16 accuracy acquisition card, 32 channel
Please read the following procedures:
Result=AI_InitialMemoryAllocated (card, BufferSize) 'BufferSize=64 MB
MaxAdCount BufferSize *=1024/32
Result=AI_AsyncDblBufferTransfer (card, MyAdBuffer (1))
AA=Fix ((MaxAdCount - CC)/(TotalChannelNumber * 2))
BB=(MaxAdCount - AA * (TotalChannelNumber * 2))/2 - CC
If NNumber & gt; 1 Then
For kk=1 To CC
MyDot (BB) + kk - 1=MyAdBuffer (2 * kk - 1)
Next kk
End the If
If NNumber=1 Then
For kk=1 To TotalChannelNumber
MyDot (kk - 1)=MyAdBuffer (2 * kk - 1)
Next kk
End the If
Call DrawAndShowDate (NNumber, AA + 1)
For kk=1 To BB
MyDot (kk - 1)=MyAdBuffer CC + AA (2 * * (TotalChannelNumber * 2) + (2 * kk - 1))
Next kk
CC=TotalChannelNumber - BB