I tried to run this query to get the initial letter of each word, and it worked for strings of 4 words, yet if the string has only two words, it duplicates the second word's initial.
substring(column_name, 1, 1)
when 0 <> charindex(' ', column_name) 1
then substring(column_name, charindex(' ',column_name) 1, 1)
else ''
when 0 <> charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name) 1)
then substring(column_name, charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name) 1) 1, 1)
else ''
when 0 <> charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name) 1) 1)
then substring(column_name, charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name, charindex(' ', column_name) 1) 1) 1, 1)
else ''
from table_name
CodePudding user response:
You didn't specify which RDBMS you are using. This should work in SQL Server:
drop table if exists table_name
create table table_name (
column_name varchar(255)
insert table_name
values ('See Jane')
, ('See Jane run')
, ('See Jane run and jump over the lazy dog.')
select stuff((SELECT '' t2.fc
from (
select left(str.value, 1) fc
, charindex(' ' str.value ' ', ' ' t.column_name ' ') idx
from string_split(t.column_name, ' ') str
) t2
order by t2.idx
), 1, 0, '') as FirstChars
from table_name t
The idx
column is used to order the ouptut because string_split
does not promise to return the results in any particular order. Thanks to Aaron Bertrand - https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/207274/string-split-and-ordered-results
CodePudding user response:
Given the use of charindex in your question, I'm assuming you are using SQL Server. The CTE generates a tall view of your data using string_split
function, with each letter on it's own row. We then select from it and group by id, and apply the string_agg
function to place back into a single row.
Password guessing?
create table my_data (
id integer,
comments varchar(50)
insert into my_data (id, comments) values
(1, 'Thank goodness its friday'),
(2, 'I want 2 scoops of ice cream');
select * from my_data;
id | comments |
1 | Thank goodness its friday |
2 | I want 2 scoops of ice cream |
with cte (id, first_char) as (
select id, substring(ss.value, 1, 1) as first_char
from my_data
cross apply string_split(comments, ' ')ss
select t.id,
string_agg(t.first_char, ',') as letters_delimited,
string_agg(t.first_char, '') as letters_not_delimited
from cte t
group by t.id
id | letters_delimited | letters_not_delimited |
1 | T,g,i,f | Tgif |
2 | I,w,2,s,o,i,c | Iw2soic |
CodePudding user response:
You can extend your approach with recursion
WITH cte_name AS (
select CONVERT(nvarchar(max), substring(column_name, 1, 1)) conc,
column_name n,
charindex(' ', column_name, 0) pos
from table_name
select conc substring(n, pos 1, 1) as conc,
charindex(' ', n, pos 1) pos
from cte_name where pos > 0
FROM cte_name
where pos = 0;