I do have the following three tables within postgres
id,shipment_id, type,status,lat,long
1, 1, pickup, whatever, 25, 75
2, 1, dropoff, whatever, 27, 76
3, 2, pickup, whatever, 25, 75
4, 2, dropoff, whatever, 27, 76
I am trying to calculate the full distance a driver made
I tried different ways but I am not able to solve it
Tried cross join and subqueries and many different approaches but still no result
CodePudding user response:
You have the PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL to calculate distances from latitude and longitude values.
CodePudding user response:
You should use PostGIS functions for that purposes, here an example with your shipment_id 1:
SELECT ST_Distance(
ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(75 25)'::geometry, 3857),
ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(76 27)'::geometry, 3857));
Based on your sample, query should look like
select driver_id, shipment_id, points[1] p1, points[2] p2,
ST_Transform(('SRID=4326;POINT('||points[1]||')')::geometry, 3857),
ST_Transform(('SRID=4326;POINT('||points[2]||')')::geometry, 3857)) distance
from (select s.driver_id, st.shipment_id, array_agg(st.long||' '||st.lat::text) points
from "ShipmentTrip" st
join "Shipment" s on st.shipment_id = s.id
join "Driver" d on d.id = s.driver_id group by st.shipment_id, s.driver_id) trip;
Coordinates in lat long system of reference SRID (units in degrees) are transformed to a metric system (3857) in order to obtain a distance in meters.
If you don't have PostGIS extension installed in your database
create extension postgis;
However it's a straight linear distance between two points, not a distance following roads. Docs for distance https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Distance.html and for points https://postgis.net/docs/ST_MakePoint.html
Fiddle https://dbfiddle.uk/7XFHZWLA