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How to subtract data value using latest and earliest date (value is in another column) using R


I am struggling to understand how I can subtract the blood pressure data if the patient had anywhere from 1 measurement to 5 measurements. For example, my data

ID Date1 Value1 Date2 Value2 Date3 Value3 Date4 Value4 Date5 Value5
1 01/01/2022 160 01/02/2022 161 01/04/2022 159 01/05/2022 159 01/06/2022 130
2 08/02/2022 130 01/07/2022 120 NA NA NA NA NA NA
3 01/04/2022 112 29/09/2022 161 10/10/2022 159 NA NA NA NA
4 01/10/2022 182 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

So some patients will have all 5 measurements (e.g. ID 1) when some patients will have only 1 measurement (e.g. ID 4).

I want to make a new variable that subtracts from the latest value to the earliest value. If the patient only has 1 measurement, the new variable will be NA. For example like this.

ID Date1 Value1 Date2 Value2 Date3 Value3 Date4 Value4 Date5 Value5 NewVariable
1 01/01/2022 160 01/02/2022 161 01/04/2022 159 01/05/2022 159 01/06/2022 130 -30
2 08/02/2022 130 01/07/2022 120 NA NA NA NA NA NA -10
3 01/04/2022 112 29/09/2022 161 10/10/2022 159 NA NA NA NA 47
4 01/10/2022 182 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

I am using R Studio for this. I would appreciate any coding help to achieve this!

CodePudding user response:

Assuming that the first value is always located in Value1 and that the dates are sorted correctly, the dplyr package makes it straight-forward.

Use coalesce to find the first non-missing value 2-5 (in reverse order), and substract value 1 from that.


mutate(df, NewVariable = coalesce(Value5, Value4, Value3, Value2) - Value1)

#> # A tibble: 4 × 12
#>      ID Date1      Value1 Date2      Value2 Date3      Value3 Date4      Value4 Date5      Value5 NewVariable
#>   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>
#> 1     1 01/01/2022    160 01/02/2022    161 01/04/2022    159 01/05/2022    159 01/06/2022    130         -30
#> 2     2 08/02/2022    130 01/07/2022    120 <NA>           NA <NA>           NA <NA>           NA         -10
#> 3     3 01/04/2022    112 29/09/2022    161 10/10/2022    159 <NA>           NA <NA>           NA          47
#> 4     4 01/10/2022    182 <NA>           NA <NA>           NA <NA>           NA <NA>           NA          NA
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