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How to watch a "Scripting.Dictionary" of more than 256 elements in excel vba when adding a


I have a scripting dictionary of around 450 elements. I need for debugging to watch in the spy window elements at index > 256, but Excel VBA limits the view to index 256. What I want to debug is the lack of some keys and to track what happens when they are supposed to be created.

Here is the declaration: Set col = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

I would expect to be able to write something like I can in Python: col[256:512]

As a workaround, I can print all the keys in a debug terminal like explained here: For Each c In col: Debug.Print c: Next

Bus there a way to do what I want in the watch/spy window?

CodePudding user response:

Add watch -> col.Items or col.keys as expressions.

CodePudding user response:

Print Some Dicitonary Keys and Items

Late Binding

  • When using late binding, you cannot use the 'index feature' (dict.Keys(n), dict.Items(n)). So you can only loop ascending and you could use the following method.
Sub PrintDictLate( _
        ByVal dict As Object, _
        ByVal FirstIndex As Long, _
        ByVal SecondIndex As Long)
    Dim StartIndex As Long
    Dim EndIndex As Long
    Dim dStep As Long
    ' Account for first greater than second.
    If FirstIndex <= SecondIndex Then
        StartIndex = FirstIndex
        EndIndex = SecondIndex
        StartIndex = SecondIndex
        EndIndex = FirstIndex
    End If
        ' Account for out of bounds.
    If StartIndex < 0 Then StartIndex = 0
    If EndIndex > dict.Count - 1 Then EndIndex = dict.Count - 1
    Dim Key As Variant
    Dim n As Long
    For Each Key In dict.Keys
        Select Case n
        Case StartIndex To EndIndex
            Debug.Print n, Key, dict(Key) ' if simple datatype
        End Select
        n = n   1
    Next Key
End Sub

Early Binding

' Needs a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library.
Sub PrintDictEarly( _
        ByVal dict As Scripting.Dictionary, _
        ByVal StartIndex As Long, _
        ByVal EndIndex As Long)
    ' Note that the dictionary indexes are zero-based!
    ' Note that you can loop backwards!
    Dim dStep As Long

    If StartIndex <= EndIndex Then ' ascending
        dStep = 1
       ' Account for out of bounds.
        If StartIndex < 0 Then StartIndex = 0
        If EndIndex > dict.Count - 1 Then EndIndex = dict.Count - 1
    Else ' descending
        dStep = -1
        ' Account for out of bounds.
        If EndIndex < 0 Then EndIndex = 0
        If StartIndex > dict.Count - 1 Then StartIndex = dict.Count - 1
    End If

    Dim Key As Variant
    Dim n As Long

    For n = StartIndex To EndIndex Step dStep
        Debug.Print n, dict.Keys(n), dict.Items(n) ' if simple datatype
    Next n

End Sub


' Needs a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library.
Sub LateVsEarly()
    Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary: Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 20
        dict.Add i, i ^ 2
    Next i
    ' This works always.
    Debug.Print "Late Binding:"
    Debug.Print "Index", "Key", "Item"
    PrintDictLate dict, 5, 10
    ' This works only if a reference has been created.
    Debug.Print "Early Binding:"
    Debug.Print "Index", "Key", "Item"
    On Error Resume Next ' prevent error if no reference created
        PrintDictEarly dict, 10, 5
    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub


Late Binding:
Index         Key           Item
 5             6             36 
 6             7             49 
 7             8             64 
 8             9             81 
 9             10            100 
 10            11            121 
Early Binding:
Index         Key           Item
 10            11            121 
 9             10            100 
 8             9             81 
 7             8             64 
 6             7             49 
 5             6             36 
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