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Filtering by a secondary value if the first value isn't present in SQL Query


I have a form that shows addresses. Most companies also have a "Physical" and "Postal" address. The form currently has the company showing twice for each address where they have a physical and postal. I can't seem to find a way to filter the form so that it checks to see if the company has a Physical address and only displays that record and if it does not then it will display the postal address.

I had assumed it would be a where condition on the "AddressType" for if it equals "Physical" else display postal, but as of yet I have not tried something that works.

SQL Query

SELECT tblAddress.SupplierID, tblAddress.AddressType, tblAddress.Address, tblAddress.[Town/Suburb], tblAddress.Region, tblSuppliersAgreements.AgreementID, tblSuppliers.IsActive
FROM (tblSuppliers INNER JOIN tblAddress ON tblSuppliers.[ID] = tblAddress.[SupplierID]) 
INNER JOIN tblSuppliersAgreements ON tblSuppliers.[ID] = tblSuppliersAgreements.[SupplierID];

Update 1

Updated the Query in the builder to match a below answer but it was missing () around the first inner join which was why it was giving me the syntax error. I can't seem to now find where it is giving me the error for this time. It says it is between the following tblAddress.AddressType= (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tblAddress WHERE tblAddress.AddressType='Physical' and tblAddress.[SupplierID]=tblSuppliers.[ID]) THEN 'Physical' ELSE 'Postal' END) and once I hot Okay it Highlights the WHEN part.

Updated Query

SELECT tblAddress.SupplierID, tblAddress.AddressType, tblAddress.Address, tblAddress.[Town/Suburb], tblAddress.Region, tblSuppliersAgreements.AgreementID, tblSuppliers.IsActive
FROM (tblSuppliers 
INNER JOIN tblAddress ON tblSuppliers.[ID] = tblAddress.[SupplierID]) 
INNER JOIN tblSuppliersAgreements ON tblSuppliers.[ID] = tblSuppliersAgreements.[SupplierID]
WHERE tblAddress.AddressType=
             (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 
                                                FROM tblAddress 
                                                WHERE tblAddress.AddressType='Physical' and tblAddress.[SupplierID]=tblSuppliers.[ID]) 
                                    THEN 'Physical'
                                    ELSE 'Postal'

Shortened but listed the above incase this contains an error

SELECT ta.SupplierID, ta.AddressType, ta.Address, ta.[Town/Suburb], ta.Region, tsa.AgreementID, ts.IsActive
FROM (tblSuppliers ts
INNER JOIN tblAddress ta ON ts.[ID] = ta.[SupplierID])
INNER JOIN tblSuppliersAgreements tsa ON ts.[ID] = tsa.[SupplierID]
WHERE ta.AddressType=
             (CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1
                                                FROM tblAddress
                                                WHERE AddressType='Physical' and SupplierID=ts.[ID])
                                    THEN 'Physical'
                                    ELSE 'Postal'

Current Error with SQL Pictured

CodePudding user response:

Try this using case statement to check if physical address exists then filter on physical address else postal address

SELECT ta.SupplierID, ta.AddressType, ta.Address, ta.[Town/Suburb], ta.Region, tsa.AgreementID, ts.IsActive
FROM tblSuppliers ts INNER JOIN tblAddress ta ON ts.[ID] = ta.[SupplierID] 
INNER JOIN tblSuppliersAgreements tsa ON ts.[ID] = tsa.[SupplierID]
where ta.AddressType= case when exists(select 1 from tblAddress where AddressType='Physical' and SupplierID=ts.id) then 'Physical' else 'Postal' end

CodePudding user response:

Your current syntax error happens because Access SQL does not support CASE ... WHEN. You need a different strategy.

Sounds like your AddressType field contains either "Physical" or "Postal". And you want the "Physical" row for each supplier if it exists; otherwise the "Postal" row.

Since "Physical" sorts before "Postal", this query will return "Physical" as preferred_address for any supplier which includes a row with "Physical" in AddressType.

    Min(AddressType) AS preferred_address
FROM tblAddress

Assuming that query identifies the supplier addresses you want, INNER JOIN it back to tblAddress to select only the matching rows.

    tblAddress AS adrs
            Min(AddressType) AS preferred_address
        FROM tblAddress
        GROUP BY SupplierID
    ) AS sub
    ON adrs.SupplierID = sub.preferred_address;

And assuming that still gives you only the addresses you want, adapt your original query to use this one in place of tblAddress.

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