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Who is familiar with agilent 34970 a temperature inspection instrument? Appear the following error,


This is the form of
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"'" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"' Copyright? 2002 Agilent Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"' Agilent Technologies provides programming examples for does it only,
"' This sample program assumes that you are familiar with the programming
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"'" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
'This example program calls the module DAQ_34970A to set a scan and
'then get the readings from the instrument. The module DAQ_34970. Bas
'was created by the 34970 a. The add Code Wizard VB6.0 by use in the module was modified
'to call a routine that places the data onto the form.

'This code requires a MUX module in slot 1
'It demonstrates how to monitor channels set up on the 34970 a by calling the
'the channel list, allowing the user to select one of the channels, and then getting
'a reading (Monitor) from that channel.
Dim Daq As VisaComLib. FormattedIO488

Dim m_ioAddress As String
Dim x As an Integer, As an Integer, y z As an Integer, w As an Integer, v As Integer

Public Sub WriteDataToForm (Readings () As a Double, _
Units () As a String, _
ChanNumb () As an Integer, _
As the Date, Time () _
ByVal Sweep As an Integer, _
ByVal numberChannels As Integer)
'A call to this routine was added to the code developed by the
'34970 a code Wizard
'This code will fill out the scan text box every time it is executed.

'If you do not use the Units, Channel the annotation, or the Time when making
'the new code, you will have to modify this code.
Dim As Long I
Dim lineUnits As String
Dim lineChannels As String

If Sweep=1 Then
For I=1 To numberChannels
'We put a heading only for the first sweep
LineUnits=lineUnits & amp; Units (1, I) & amp; VbTab
LineChannels=lineChannels & amp; Str $(ChanNumb (1, I)) & amp; VbTab
Next I
TxtScanData. SelText=lineUnits & amp; VbCrLf & amp; LineChannels & amp; VbCrLf
End the If

For I=101 To numberChannels
Me. TxtScanData. SelText=Format $(Readings (Sweep, I), "0.0 e+0") & amp; VbTab
Next I
Me. TxtScanData. SelText=vbCrLf

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMonitor_Click ()
Dim the channel As the String

If isconnected Then
The channel=MonitorChannel
The Monitor Daq, txtMonitor, channel
InstrumentError Daq
End the If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRefreshChannels_Click ()

Me. MousePointer=vbHourglass

If isconnected Then

GetScanList Daq, lstChannel
InstrumentError Daq
End the If
Me. CmdMonitor. Enabled=True

Me. MousePointer=vbDefault

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStartScan_Click ()

Me. MousePointer=vbHourglass

If isconnected Then
Me. TxtScanData. Text=""
Main_34970A Daq
InstrumentError Daq
End the If

Me. MousePointer=vbDefault

End Sub

Private Function MonitorChannel () As String
'returns the user selected channel to monitor
Dim Index As Long

With lstChannel
The Index=. ListIndex
If the Index & gt; 0 Then
MonitorChannel=Right $(. List (Index), 3)
The Else
MonitorChannel="Front Panel"
The Exit Function
End the If
End With

End the Function

Public Sub InstrumentError (Instrument As VisaComLib FormattedIO488)
Dim reply As String

With Instrument
. WriteString "price: Error?"
Reply=. ReadString
End With

If Val (reply) & lt;> 0 Then
MsgBox "Instrument Error:" & amp; VbCrLf & amp; Reply, vbCritical
InstrumentError Instrument
End the If

End Sub

Private Function isconnected () As a Boolean
'determines if the instrument is connected, and
'gives a message if not
Dim the result () As the Variant
Dim oldTimeout As Long

On Error GoTo connectError

With Daq
OldTimeout=. IO. A Timeout
. IO. Timeout=1000
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