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A directory tree control display hierarchy has a problem


RT to file directory hierarchy will be selected according to the tree control, different icon is displayed at the same time, according to the type of file, if it is display folders folder icon, if it is other type of file format is displayed icon, program after the operation showed as follows:

Was 1.3 1.4 should display in the primary directory, run into the secondary directory now
My code is as follows:
//two icon is added to the imagelist
M_imageList. Create (32, 32, ILC_COLOR32, 2, 2);
M_imageList. Add (AfxGetApp () - & gt; LoadIconW (IDI_ICON_FOLDER));//folder icon
M_imageList. Add (AfxGetApp () - & gt; LoadIconW (IDI_ICON_FILE));//file icon
M_ctrlFileTree. SetImageList (& amp; M_imageList TVSIL_NORMAL);

//display the file hierarchy structure to the tree control
Void CDataBaseQueryDlg: : LoadTree (cstrings strCurdir, HTREEITEM hItem)
//traverse the file
If (strCurdir==L "")
The else {
(1) if (strCurdir. Right! L="//")
StrCurdir +=L "//";
StrCurdir +=L "*. *";
CFileFind finder.
Cstrings strPath;
int i=0;
BOOL bWorking=finder. FindFile (strCurdir);
While (bWorking)
BWorking=finder. FindNextFileW ();
StrPath=finder. GetFilePath ();
int count=0;
If (finder. IsDirectory () & amp; & ! Finder. IsDots ())
HFolder=m_ctrlFileTree. InsertItem (finder. GetFileName (), 0, 0, hRoot, TVI_LAST);
LoadTree (strPath, hFolder);
Else if (! Finder. IsDirectory () & amp; & ! Finder. IsDots ())
If (count!=0)
HFile=m_ctrlFileTree. InsertItem (finder. GetFileName (), 1, 1, hRoot, TVI_LAST);
The else
HFile=m_ctrlFileTree. InsertItem (finder. GetFileName (), 1, 1, hFolder, TVI_LAST);

//open the need to display a directory tree structure
Void CDataBaseQueryDlg: : OnBnClickedBtnFolder ()
//TODO: add the control notification handler code
LPMALLOC pMalloc;//define a pointer to the IMalloc
If (: : SHGetMalloc (& amp; PMalloc)!=NOERROR)
Would be szDisplayName [MAX_PATH];
Would be szBuffer [MAX_PATH];
BROWSEINFO BROWSEINFO;//dialog box structural
BrowseInfo. HwndOwner=this - & gt; M_hWnd;
BrowseInfo. PidlRoot=NULL;//set the root directory for the desktop
BrowseInfo. PszDisplayName=szDisplayName;
BrowseInfo. LpszTitle=L "select file directory search";//dialog title
BrowseInfo. LPFN=NULL;
BrowseInfo. LParam=0;
LPITEMIDLIST LPITEMIDLIST=SHBrowseForFolderW (& amp; BrowseInfo);
If (lpItemIDList!=NULL)
If (: : SHGetPathFromIDListW (lpItemIDList, szBuffer))//get the directory path
If (=='\ 0' szBuffer [0])
The UpdateData (FALSE);
The else {
AfxMessageBox (L "can't get the selected file!" , MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
PMalloc - & gt; Free (lpItemIDList);
PMalloc - & gt; Release ();

HRoot=m_ctrlFileTree. InsertItem (m_strFile, 0, 0).
LoadTree (m_strFile hFolder);
Else if feeling is LoadTree function of prose has a problem, the great god, please advise, thank you!!!!!!
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