I'm having vsCode letting me know there's a issue here:
❗ Different vue-tsc version The Vue Language Features (Volar)'s version is 1.0.9, but the workspace's vue-tsc version is 0.39.5. This may produce different type checking behavior.
vue-tsc: /home/tomas/Desktop/testingthekid/viteFiles/typescript/typescript-and-vue-workshop/app/node_modules/vue-tsc/package.json
So I googled it and found a similar problem which was resolved installing the latest version of vue-tsc, you know, both are the same and problem should be gone. In my case i did it and the .json file changed, indeed now is "vue-tsc": "^1.0.9"
but the problem still there even if i do ctrl c and npm run dev again, might be that this: ctrl c and npm run dev is not the proper way to restart the server? Why is vscode not addresing the version change?
here's a pic:
You can see the error and the vue-tsc version.
This another one I catch => might be the problem:
How can I solve this issue, thank you in advance & every answer/suggestion is highly appreciated.
CodePudding user response:
Open the command palette (ctrl shift P) and click Volar: Restart Vue server