Home > Software engineering >  I use VB plait 1 PC software, such as via a serial port click, light 1 on MCU receives the 0. Click
I use VB plait 1 PC software, such as via a serial port click, light 1 on MCU receives the 0. Click


This is my program
Dim z_star As Boolean
Dim in_data (2) the As Byte
Dim ovt As an Integer type 'BYTE is BYTE Integer is an Integer STRING is a STRING type

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Timer1. Enabled=False
MSComm1. InBufferSize=40
MSComm1. InBufferCount=0
MSComm1. An InputMode=comInputModeBinary
MSComm1.ComMSComm1. Settings="57600, N, 8, 1", "
MSComm1. RThreshold=1
MSComm1. InputLen=0
If MSComm1. PortOpen=False Then
MSComm1. PortOpen=1

End the If

End Sub
Private Sub Check3_Click (Index As an Integer) 'check control button
Dim dat (3) As Byte
If Check3 (Index)=1 Then
Check3 (Index). Caption="light" & amp; The Index + 1 & amp; "Open"
Dat (0)=& amp; H0
Dat (1)=& amp; The H2

The Else
Check3 (Index). Caption="light" & amp; The Index + 1 & amp; "Closed"
Dat (0)=& amp; H1
Dat (1)=& amp; H3

End the If
MSComm1. The Output=dat
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click () 'send button
MSComm1. The Output=Text2. Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click () 'delete button
Text1. Text=""
End Sub

Private Sub dispose_data frame processing
() 'For I=0 To ovt
Text1. Text=Text1. Text & amp; Hex (in_data (I)) & amp; "

If in_data (2)=1 Then
Shape1 (in_data (1) - 1) BackColor=& amp; HFF00 & amp; Green
'The Else
Shape1 (in_data (1) - 1) BackColor=& amp; H8000000F
End the If

End Sub

Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm ()

Select Case mEvent MSComm1.Com

Case comEvReceive 'received RThreshold # of
Xv: Dim hk As the Variant

Hk=MSComm1. Input
If Check2. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/1 Then hexadecimal collection
'If Check1. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/0 Then frame processing
If hk (0)=& amp; HFA Then 'frame head
End the If

If hk (0)=& amp; HFB Then 'tail frame

Hk (in_data (ovt)=0)
Call dispose_data 'after receiving the complete a frame to invoke the data processing program

End the If

If z_star=True Then
Hk (in_data (ovt)=0)
Ovt=ovt + 1

End the If

The Else

Text1. Text=Text1. Text & amp; Hex (hk (0)) & amp; "
End the If

The Else

Text1. Text=Text1. Text & amp; Hk
End the If
If MSComm1. InBufferCount & lt;> 0 Then

GoTo xv
End the If
End the Select

End Sub
This is my software interface
Have not received the data problem is single chip microcomputer, master program where there is a problem

CodePudding user response:

Come and someone to help me,,,,,,,

CodePudding user response:

For help!

CodePudding user response:

How no one!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Please post microcontroller program, in order to check where you are wrong!

CodePudding user response:

Here to estimate the original poster is receives numeric 0 s and 1 s on the single chip microcomputer, and the upper machine PC sends data type is a string of "0" and "1", because there is no posted on the single chip microcomputer program, the original poster can't check, so the landlord to check whether there are wrong,

CodePudding user response:

PC sends is the binary 1 s and 0 s:

MSComm1. An InputMode=comInputModeBinary

Private Sub Check3_Click (Index As an Integer) 'check control button
Dim dat (3) As Byte
If Check3 (Index)=1 Then
Check3 (Index). Caption="light" & amp; The Index + 1 & amp; "Open"
Dat (0)=& amp; H0
Dat (1)=& amp; The H2
The Else
Check3 (Index). Caption="light" & amp; The Index + 1 & amp; "Closed"
Dat (0)=& amp; H1
Dat (1)=& amp; H3
End the If
MSComm1. The Output=dat
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord, you confirm that you are using a serial port?

Entire virtual serial port using a piece of string is a U turn? U series chips have many, some with all sorts of problems on their use,

CodePudding user response:

Beginners serial port development, it is best to use a real serial desktops, experienced, and using the U turn bunch,
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