Home > Software engineering >  Pray god to look at, to move into the picturebox using sendmessage will frame controls, why frame wi
Pray god to look at, to move into the picturebox using sendmessage will frame controls, why frame wi


Private Const WM_PAINT=& amp; HF
Private Const WM_PRINT=& amp; H317
Private Const PRF_CLIENT=& amp; H4 & amp;
Private Const PRF_CHILDREN=& amp; H10 & amp;
Private Const PRF_OWNED=& amp; H20 & amp;
Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETX As Long=112
Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETY As Long=113
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal HWND _
As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam) As Long As Long
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal nindex _
As Long As Long)

Private Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim the rv As Long
The rv=SendMessage (Frame1 HWND, the WM_PAINT, Picture1. HDC, 0)
The rv=SendMessage (Frame1 HWND WM_PRINT, Picture1. HDC, PRF_CHILDREN + PRF_CLIENT + PRF_OWNED)
Printer. Print "
"Printer. PaintPicture Picture2. Image, 100-50
Printer. EndDoc
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Why not use setparent?

CodePudding user response:

Can't read
But changing the second sentence to this, there is no border
The rv=SendMessage (Frame1 HWND WM_PRINT, Picture1. HDC, PRF_CHILDREN + PRF_NONCLIENT

CodePudding user response:

I can't, the second sentence to
Is no border, but the text of the frame, frame controls all not loaded into the picture1 container, only load label control, equal to I commented out the second sentence

CodePudding user response:

Setparent can be loaded into the picture1 container, but seems to be directly copied into the picture1, use Printer. PaintPicture Picture2. Image, 100-50
Printing is blank

CodePudding user response:

With the frame and put a picture control, put all controls on the picture

CodePudding user response:

With two PictureBox beforehand, one of the forms controls container, another for print media (empty), note: the two don't nested, each other will be hidden behind the first, second SendMessage send PictureBox1, here are two examples of the Label form print,
 Private Const twipFactor=1440 
Private Const WM_PAINT=& amp; HF
Private Const WM_PRINT=& amp; H317
Private Const PRF_CLIENT=& amp; H4 & amp; 'the Draw the window' s client area.
Private Const PRF_CHILDREN=& amp; H10 & amp; 'the Draw all the visible child Windows.
Private Const PRF_OWNED=& amp; H20 & amp; 'the Draw all owned Windows.

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32 Alias" _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal HWND As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam) As Long As Long

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Dim sWide As Single, sTall As Single
Dim the rv As Long

Me. The ScaleMode default=vbTwips'
'stall=11 or 14, etc.
Me. Width=twipFactor * sWide
Me. Height=twipFactor * stall
With Picture1
. The Top=0
. The Left=0
. Width=twipFactor * sWide
The Height=twipFactor * stall
End With
With Picture2
. The Top=0
. The Left=0
. Width=twipFactor * sWide
The Height=twipFactor * stall
End With
With Label1
The Caption="Top"
. Left=Me. Width/2
. The Top=0
End With
With Label2
The Caption="Bottom"
. The Top=(twipFactor * stall) -. The Height * 2
. Left=Me. Width/2
End With
Me. The Visible=True

Picture1. SetFocus
Picture2. AutoRedraw=True
The rv=SendMessage (Picture1. HWND, WM_PAINT, Picture2. HDC, 0)
The rv=SendMessage (Picture1. HWND WM_PRINT, Picture2. HDC, _
Picture2. Picture=Picture2. Image
Picture2. AutoRedraw=False

Printer. Print "
"Printer. PaintPicture Picture2. Picture, 0, 0
Printer. EndDoc
End Sub
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