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Program "object variables or With variable block is not set" error, ask ace to help have a


Public VBInstance As VBIde. VBE varies
Public Connect As Connect
Dim strDefPath As String
Option Explicit

Private Sub CancelButton_Click ()
Unload Me
Connect. Hide
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Dim objComponent As VBComponent
Dim objMember As Member
Dim strTemp As String
Dim intTemp As Integer
Dim strCurrExports ()

ReDim strCurrExports (0)

. 'to find the path for the def file of the current project
StrDefPath=VBInstance. ActiveVBProject. FileName
If strDefPath="" Then
MsgBox "both Please save your project before choosing what you want to export.", vbInformation, "Make DLLs
"Unload Me
Connect. Hide
The Exit Sub
End the If
StrDefPath=Left $(strDefPath, Len (strDefPath) - 3) & amp; "Def", "

On Error GoTo nofiles
'try to open existing definition file
The Open strDefPath For Input As # 1
ChkMakeDLL. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/1
Do Until EOF (1)
The Line Input # 1, strTemp
The Select Case Left $(Trim (strTemp), 7)
In Case the Else
ReDim Preserve strCurrExports (UBound (strCurrExports) + 1)
StrCurrExports (UBound (strCurrExports))=Trim $(strTemp)
End the Select
Close # 1
'enumerate the procedures in every module file within
'the current project
For Each objComponent In VBInstance. ActiveVBProject. VBComponents
If objComponent. Type=vbext_ct_StdModule Then
For Each objMember In objComponent. CodeModule. Members
If objMember. Type=vbext_mt_Method Then
LstExport. AddItem objMember. Name & amp; "(defined in the" & amp; ObjComponent. Name & amp;
")"'check the if the procedure is mardked to be exported.
'if so, tick the box next to it.
For intTemp=1 To UBound (strCurrExports)
If strCurrExports (intTemp)=objMember. Name Then
LstExport. Selected (lstExport. ListCount - 1)=True
End the If
End the If
End the If
The Exit Sub

'file didn' t exist, makedll checkbox=0
ChkMakeDLL. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/0
Resume dontread
End Sub

Private Sub OKButton_Click ()
On Error GoTo errorhandle
Dim intTemp As Integer
Dim strTemp
If chkMakeDLL. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/1 Then
. 'open the def file for the project - this says all
'the exports in the end the DLL file.
The Open strDefPath For Output As # 1
Print # 1, "LIBRARY" & amp; VBInstance. ActiveVBProject. Name
Print # 1, "EXPORTS"
'go throgh all procs in the list box. If it is
'pretty ticked, write the name of it into the file
For intTemp=0 To lstExport. ListCount - 1
If lstExport. Selected (intTemp)=True Then
Print # 1, "" & amp; The Split (lstExport. List (intTemp), "") (0)
End the If
The Else
On the Error Resume Next
Kill strDefPath
On Error GoTo errorhandle
End the If

'close any files which are still open
The Close
Unload Me
Connect. Hide
The Exit Sub

The Select Case MsgBox (" An error occured while writing the definition file: "_
& Err, Description & amp; "(" & amp; Err. Number & amp; "), "_
VbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical, "Error")
Case vbAbort
Resume endit
Case vbRetry
Case vbIgnore
Resume Next
End the Select
End Sub

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