CodePudding user response:
360 very rogue, this is really no solution, feeling from the bottom Hook all the IE operations, unless you are a direct execution iexplore. Exe,I use this code, in other people's computer was up 360 secured browser, Navigate function directly is invalid, just want to call names, fucking
HRESULT hr=OleInitialize (NULL).
If ((hr==S_OK) | | (hr==S_FALSE))
The IWebBrowser2 * wb=NULL;
Hr=CoCreateInstance (CLSID_InternetExplorer, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER IID_IWebBrowser2, (void * *) & amp; Wb);
If (hr==S_OK)
BSTR bstrUrl=SysAllocString (L "http://bbs.csdn.net/");
If (bstrUrl!=NULL)
The VARIANT vtEmpty;
VtEmpty. N=VT_EMPTY;
Hr=wb - & gt; Navigate (bstrUrl, & amp; VtEmpty, & amp; VtEmpty, & amp; VtEmpty, & amp; VtEmpty);
SysFreeString (bstrUrl);
Wb - & gt; The Quit ();
Wb - & gt; Release ();
OleUninitialize ();
CodePudding user response:
I use 360 released software at every time of use, are strictly follow the following steps:Install
Use the
CodePudding user response:
You deal with the NewWindow2, specific I don't put the code, a casual degrees.CodePudding user response:
This need you to handle, your own virtual function OnNewWindow2http://blog.csdn.net/xiangzhang321/article/details/7753177