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Please help vs2005


//based on SQL statement generated record set
M_pRecordset. CreateInstance (__uuidof (you));
_variant_t RecordsAffected;
Cstrings vSQL;
VSQL. Format (" SELECT * FROM fixed bushing WHERE aperture is greater than & lt; '% f and aperture to & gt;='% f ", m_DHole m_DHole);
M_pRecordset=m_pConnection - & gt; Execute (_bstr_t (vSQL), & amp; RecordsAffected adCmdText);
If ((m_pRecordset - & gt; AdoBOF) & amp; & (m_pRecordset - & gt; AdoEOF))
AfxMessageBox (" does not meet conditions record!" );
M_pRecordset - & gt; Close();

Where is wrong
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