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VS2010 Combo - the color of the text box control under the Unicode cannot change


Just to change from the original project multibyte to Unicode, found above controls, is VS2010 Combo box control, such as I want to change the control to the green, before I am OnCtlColor (CDC * pDC, CWnd * pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) function,
PDC - & gt; SetBkColor (bkColor);
PDC - & gt; SetTextColor (textColor);
It should be possible, but after to Unicode, haven't success, try many ways to change only the color of the part, when selecting the drop-down box will be displayed after the selected color does not change, can someone encountered similar problems, how do I operation can change the color?

CodePudding user response:

This OnPaint create a brush
 HPEN HPEN, hOldPen;//brush 
HPen=CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (0, 255));//generated red color brush brush width 5 pixels
HOldPen=(HPEN) SelectObject (HDC, HPEN);//into the brush device field condition

SelectObject (HDC, hOldPen);
DeleteObject (hPen);

: OnCtlColor (CDC * pDC, CWnd * pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
If (pWnd - & gt; GetDlgCtrlID ()==IDC_ controls)//change the color button
PDC - & gt; SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT);
PDC - & gt; SetBkColor (RGB (0, 0, 0));
PDC - & gt; SetTextColor (RGB (255, 255, 255));
Return m_brush;//create a brush

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor SWWLLX response:
create a brush inside the OnPaint
HPEN HPEN, hOldPen;//brush
HPen=CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (0, 255));//generated red color brush brush width 5 pixels
HOldPen=(HPEN) SelectObject (HDC, HPEN);//into the brush device field condition

SelectObject (HDC, hOldPen);
DeleteObject (hPen);

: OnCtlColor (CDC * pDC, CWnd * pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
If (pWnd - & gt; GetDlgCtrlID ()==IDC_ controls)//change the color button
PDC - & gt; SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT);
PDC - & gt; SetBkColor (RGB (0, 0, 0));
PDC - & gt; SetTextColor (RGB (255, 255, 255));
Return m_brush;//create a brush

"OnPaint inside to create a brush" refers to the combobox control redraw a child, then the control below add OnPaint function add your code?

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor lgq60122 response:
Quote: refer to 1st floor SWWLLX response:

This OnPaint create a brush
HPEN HPEN, hOldPen;//brush
HPen=CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (0, 255));//generated red color brush brush width 5 pixels
HOldPen=(HPEN) SelectObject (HDC, HPEN);//into the brush device field condition

SelectObject (HDC, hOldPen);
DeleteObject (hPen);

: OnCtlColor (CDC * pDC, CWnd * pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
If (pWnd - & gt; GetDlgCtrlID ()==IDC_ controls)//change the color button
PDC - & gt; SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT);
PDC - & gt; SetBkColor (RGB (0, 0, 0));
PDC - & gt; SetTextColor (RGB (255, 255, 255));
Return m_brush;//create a brush

"OnPaint inside to create a brush" refers to the combobox control redraw a child, then the control below add OnPaint function add your code?
without success

CodePudding user response:

Estimation is enabled the MANIFEST so lead to system resources over the standard control style, custom painting

CodePudding user response:

Subclass, and then their redraw

 HBRUSH CMyComboBox: : OnCtlColor (CDC * pDC, CWnd * pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) 
PDC - & gt; SetBkColor (RGB (255, 0, 0));

Return CComboBox: : OnCtlColor (pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);

CodePudding user response:

Create a brush of resources this thing, don't repeatedly create and release in the onpaint, should be put in
Create the Oncreate function,
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