Home > Software engineering >  OBDC CDBException anomalies for connection to the ACCESS database.
OBDC CDBException anomalies for connection to the ACCESS database.


I built on the VS2010 MFC dialog box class, with the method of OBDC connection ACCESS database, compilation can succeed, but the runtime always prompt clause statement error

But I'm FROM the statement and there is no problem, I found two abnormal debugging carefully for a moment,
Error: ODBC failure on SQLPrepare or SQLExecDirect
TS. Exe of 0 x75695b68 place the most possible exceptions: Microsoft c + + exceptions: memory location 0 x0050e234 CDBException,
TS. Exe of 0 x75695b68 place the most possible exceptions: Microsoft c + + exceptions: memory location 0 x00000000 [rethrow],
I just want to know what happened,
O great god answers,

CodePudding user response:

# include "stdafx. H"
# include "TS. H"
# include "usersDlg. H"
# include "afxdialogex. H"
# include "toaccess. H"

//usersDlg dialog


UsersDlg: : usersDlg (pParent/*=NULL CWnd * */)
: CDialogEx (usersDlg: : IDD, pParent)


UsersDlg: : ~ usersDlg ()

Void usersDlg: : ListAll cstrings (STR)
M_list. DeleteAllItems ();
Ctoaccess m_access;
If (m_access IsOpen ())
M_access. Close ();
if(! M_access. Open (CRecordset: : the snapshot, STR))
MessageBox (L open the database "failure", MB_OK);
The catch (CDBException * e)
E - & gt; ReportError ();


Int nindex=0;
M_access. MoveFirst ();
Cstrings ususername uspassword;
while(! M_access. IsEOF ())
LV_ITEM litem;
Litem. Mask=LVIF_TEXT;
Litem. IItem=nindex;
Litem. ISubItem=0;
Litem. PszText=L "";
M_list. InsertItem (& amp; Litem);
M_list. SetItemText (nindex. Zero, m_access m_username);
M_list. SetItemText (nindex, 1, m_access m_password);
M_access. MoveNext ();
M_access. Close ();
BOOL usersDlg: : OnInitDialog ()
Ctoaccess m_set;
M_set. The Open ();
M_set. MoveFirst ();
M_list. SetExtendedStyle (dwExStyle);
M_list. SetTextColor (RGB (0, 255));
M_list. SetBkColor (RGB (240247233));
M_list. InsertColumn (0, L "user name", LVCFMT_CENTER, 65, 0).
M_list. InsertColumn (" password ", 1, L LVCFMT_CENTER, 65, 0).
Cstrings TRSQL;
TRSQL. The Format (L "select * FROM [toaccess]");
ListAll (TRSQL);
return TRUE;

Void usersDlg: : DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * symbol)
CDialogEx: : DoDataExchange (symbol);


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP (usersDlg CDialogEx)

//usersDlg message handler

CodePudding user response:

Try TRSQL. The Format (L "select * FROM toaccess");

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor zgl7903 response:
try TRSQL. The Format (L "select * FROM toaccess");

There's nothing I've tried
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