Void COpenCloseDlg: : OnBnClickedButton1 ()
The CDC * m_picDC=GetDlgItem (IDC_STATIC_PIC) - & gt; GetDC ();
The CDC m_dcMemory;
M_dcMemory. CreateCompatibleDC (m_picDC);
The FILE * fp.
Fp=fopen (" C: \ \ Users \ \ t \ \ Desktop \ \ Lena raw ", "rb");
Fread (ImgData, sizeof (BYTE), 65536, fp);
The fclose (fp);
HBITMAP HBMP=CreateDIBSection (NULL, m_pBmpInfoGray, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID * *) & amp; DIBdata, NULL, 0);
Memcpy (ImgData DIBdata, 256 * 256);
CBitmap BmpCompatible;
BmpCompatible. Attach (HBMP);//CBitmap object that is associated with HBITMAP
CBitmap * pOldBitmap=m_dcMemory. SelectObject (& amp; BmpCompatible);//DC compatible for bitmap
CRect the rect.
M_PIC. GetClientRect (& amp; The rect);//m_PIC for static control variables associated
Int w=the rect. Width ();
Int h=the rect. Height ();
CClientDC dc (FromHandle (m_PIC m_hWnd));
CBrush * pBrush=CBrush: : FromHandle ((HBRUSH) GetStockObject (NULL_BRUSH));
CBrush. * pOldBrush=m_dcMemory SelectObject (pBrush);
CPoint m_StartPoint (10, 10);
CPoint pointControl (50, 50);
CRect rc (m_StartPoint pointControl);
Rc. NormalizeRect ();
CPen pen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (255255, 0));
CPen * pOldPen=m_dcMemory. SelectObject (& amp; Pen);
M_dcMemory. A Rectangle (& amp; Rc);
Dc. SetStretchBltMode (COLORONCOLOR);
Dc. StretchBlt (0, 0, the rect. Width (), the rect. Height (), & amp; M_dcMemory, 0,0,256,256, SRCCOPY);
M_dcMemory. SelectObject (pOldBitmap);
M_dcMemory. SelectObject (pOldBrush);
BmpCompatible. DeleteObject ();
Display as follows:
Image upload all kinds of failure, so we have to use the hyperlinks

Rectangular box is gray
But a little change, display is normal, the code is as follows:
Void COpenCloseDlg: : OnBnClickedButton1 ()
The CDC * m_picDC=GetDlgItem (IDC_STATIC_PIC) - & gt; GetDC ();
The CDC m_dcMemory;
M_dcMemory. CreateCompatibleDC (m_picDC);
The FILE * fp.
Fp=fopen (" C: \ \ Users \ \ t \ \ Desktop \ \ Lena raw ", "rb");
Fread (ImgData, sizeof (BYTE), 65536, fp);
The fclose (fp);
HBITMAP HBMP=CreateDIBSection (NULL, m_pBmpInfoGray, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID * *) & amp; DIBdata, NULL, 0);
Memcpy (ImgData DIBdata, 256 * 256);
CBitmap BmpCompatible;
BmpCompatible. Attach (HBMP);//CBitmap object that is associated with HBITMAP
CBitmap * pOldBitmap=m_dcMemory. SelectObject (& amp; BmpCompatible);//DC compatible for bitmap
CRect the rect.
M_PIC. GetClientRect (& amp; The rect);//m_PIC for static control variables associated
Int w=the rect. Width ();
Int h=the rect. Height ();
CClientDC dc (FromHandle (m_PIC m_hWnd));
CBrush * pBrush=CBrush: : FromHandle ((HBRUSH) GetStockObject (NULL_BRUSH));
CBrush * pOldBrush=dc. SelectObject (pBrush);
CPoint m_StartPoint (10, 10);
CPoint pointControl (50, 50);
CRect rc (m_StartPoint pointControl);
Rc. NormalizeRect ();
Dc. SetStretchBltMode (COLORONCOLOR);
Dc. StretchBlt (0, 0, the rect. Width (), the rect. Height (), & amp; M_dcMemory, 0,0,256,256, SRCCOPY);
CPen pen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (255255, 0));
CPen * pOldPen=dc. SelectObject (& amp; Pen);
Dc. A Rectangle (& amp; Rc);
Dc. SelectObject (pOldBrush);
BmpCompatible. DeleteObject ();
Pictures show as follows:
Don't understand the problem because of which, ask everybody to help explain?
CodePudding user response:
1, brush into a pointer type, use CreatePen to create;2, create a brush on Dlg create functions or initialization function, prevent resources repeatedly create and release,
CodePudding user response:
HDC HDC=: : GetDC (hWnd);
HPEN HPEN, hOldPen;//brush
HPen=CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB (0, 255));//generated red color brush brush width 5 pixels
HOldPen=(HPEN) SelectObject (HDC, HPEN);//into the brush device field condition
The Arc (HDC, xx - GJZ, yy - GJZ, xx + GJZ, yy + GJZ, xx, yy, xx, yy);//mechanical center range of 250
SelectObject (HDC, hOldPen);
DeleteObject (hPen);
CodePudding user response:
M_pBmpInfoGray problems?Reference:
Void CShow256BmpDlg: : OnButton1 ()
//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here
CClientDC dc (this);
The CDC memDC;
CBitmap bitmap.
CBitmap bitmap1;
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
DWORD len.
MemDC. CreateCompatibleDC (& amp; Dc);
//8 bit
Bitmap. LoadBitmap (IDB_MY_BITMAP1);//8 bit "girl8. BMP
"BITMAP bm={0};
Bitmap. GetBitmap (& amp; Bm);
Int ImageSize=bm. BmWidthBytes * bm. BmHeight;
BYTE * pImageIn=new BYTE [ImageSize];
Memset (pImageIn, 0, ImageSize);
Len=bitmap. GetBitmapBits (ImageSize, pImageIn);
//use: CreateDIBSection
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiSize=sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiWidth=bm. BmWidth;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiHeight=- bm. BmHeight;//should '-'!!!!!!!!!!
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiPlanes=1;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiBitCount=bm. BmBitsPixel;//=32!!!!!!!!!!
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiCompression=BI_RGB;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiSizeImage=ImageSize;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiXPelsPerMeter=0;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiYPelsPerMeter=0;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiClrUsed=0;
BmInfo. BmiHeader. BiClrImportant=0;