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map an object return unresolved reference


I'm trying to map a network object to a domain object with a .map in the response, but compiler says me that .map is an unresolved reference. What is wrong?

suspend fun getAllPlayersFromNetwork(): PlayersDomainModel {
    val response: PlayersNetworkModel = api.getAllPlayers()
    **return response.**map** { it.toDomain() }**

This is the data class of the network part

data class PlayersNetworkModel(

    @SerializedName("data") var data: MutableList<DataNetworkModel> = mutableListOf(),
    @SerializedName("meta") var meta: MetaNetworkModel? = MetaNetworkModel()

    constructor() : this(mutableListOf(), MetaNetworkModel())

This is the object of the domain

data class PlayersDomainModel(

    var data: MutableList<DataDomainModel> = mutableListOf(),
    var meta: MetaDomainModel? = MetaDomainModel()


and this is the transform method to map

fun PlayersNetworkModel.toDomain(): PlayersDomainModel {
    val mapMeta : MetaDomainModel
    meta.let {
        mapMeta = MetaDomainModel(meta?.totalPages, meta?.currentPage, meta?.nextPage, meta?.perPage, meta?.totalCount)

    val mapData : MutableList<DataDomainModel> = mutableListOf()
    data.let {
        for(item in data){
            val mapTeam : TeamDomainModel = TeamDomainModel(item.team?.id, item.team?.abbreviation, item.team?.city, item.team?.conference, item.team?.division, item.team?.fullName, item.team?.name)
            mapData.add(DataDomainModel(item.id, item.firstName, item.heightFeet, item.heightInches, item.lastName, item.position, mapTeam, item.weightPounds))

    return PlayersDomainModel(mapData, mapMeta)

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure why simple data class suppose to have a map method.

Instead of mapping:

return response.map { it.toDomain() }

just use toDomain() on the response:

return response.toDomain()
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