Dim the ib As com.lowagie.text.paragraph
For Each ib ActiveDocument. In Paragraphs
If the ib. Range. Information (wdWithInTable)=False Then
Ib. Range. Select 'selected
Selection. ClearFormatting
If the ib. Range Like "[about]" Then
If the ib. Range. Sentences. Count=1 Then
The ib. Range. Style=wdStyleHeading1
The Else
End the If
ElseIf ib. Range Like [1234567890], "*" Then
If the ib. Range. Sentences. Count=1 Then
The ib. Range. Style=wdStyleHeading2
The Else
End the If
ElseIf ib. Range Like "([1234567890]) *" Then
If the ib. Range. Sentences. Count=1 Then
ib. Range. Style=wdStyleHeading3
The Else
End the If
ElseIf ib. Range Like "[0-9] [,....) * "Then
If the ib. Range. Sentences. Count=1 Then
The ib. Range. Style=wdStyleHeading4
The Else
End the If
ElseIf ib. Range Like "([0-9] *)" Then
If the ib. Range. Sentences. Count=1 Then
The ib. Range. Style=wdStyleHeading5
The Else
End the If
The Else
End the If
End the If