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VB use WebBrowser control post form


Always can before, recent website redesign is sent after the exception error feedback browser, which a great god knows what reason?

URL=ZBL_PTWZ & amp; "/game_play. SHTML"



PostData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/StrConv (PostData, vbFromUnicode)

Headers="content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded" & amp; VbCrLf

WebBrowser1. Navigate the URL, FLAGS, TargetFrame PostData, Headers,

Previously, website redesign later hints of abnormal feedback browser

I intercepted packets are as follows:


The user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64. The rv: 56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0

The Accept=application/json, text/javascript, */*; Q=0.01

The Accept - Language=useful - CN, useful; Q=0.8, en - US; Q=0.5, en. Q=0.3

The Accept - Encoding=gzip, deflate, br

Referer=https://uhappy86.com/newgame_play.shtml? Curmid=2594

The content-type=application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded; Charset=utf-8

X-ray Requested - With=XMLHttpRequest

The Content - Length=638

Cookie=__nxquid + YBAAAAACiMXtU02ESCw===6 z - 1090012; Visid_incap_1742342=ogHosGNhQ2it7gxiwiBJvYbBPFsAAAAAQUIPAAAAAADpALIKXBZTCAF04gphQwSH; _sessionHandler=18 b4b9f670fdfdf2d2a24075292a77e4315d84a5; Vvp42dbvkv1uof2nasgf00e51 CGISESSID=2; Incap_ses_463_1742342=iGigcLqX/mWecJDEF + lsBn4tRFsAAAAAt1UOJ + fpOVkTBOleP6KxIw==; State=show; __lc. Visitor_id. 6923071=S1510914411. Ea30c9fa55; Lc_window_state=minimized; __zlcmid=nKhTklHIpsWDYM; User=211570; The username=kuaile; Clienttag=nouse; 211570=34 e2c8c20119bd79f5105305b4b12211; Knell=on

The Connection=keep - the alive


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