I have a problem. I want to create a calculated column call ExpectedOutcome .
The value of column ExpectedOutcome for 1st row where No.Session = 1 is calculated by Score 60. From the second row, the value of ExpectedOutcome = previous ExpectedOutcome Score.
The value of ExpectedOutcome is always in the range of 0 - 100. If it < 0, then we put 0 as the value. If it > 100, then we put 100 as the value.
It seems like calculate a running total, but it is not. And I do not know how to solve this problem.
CodePudding user response:
Try This
Update @tb Set Outcome = 60 Score Where sesion = 1
Declare @Session decimal(18,0)
Declare F Cursor For Select sesion From @tb Where sesion <> 1 Order By sesion
Open F
Fetch Next From F Into @MaID
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Update @tb
Set Outcome = Case When Score (Select Outcome From @tb Where sesion = @Session - 1) > 100 Then 100
When Score (Select Outcome From @tb Where sesion = @Session - 1) < 0 Then 0
Else Score (Select Outcome From @tb Where sesion = @Session - 1) End
Where sesion = @Session
Fetch Next From F Into @Session
Close F
DeAllocate F
CodePudding user response:
Here's a solution with recursive CTE:
with recursive cte (id, session_no, score, outcome) as (
select id, session_no, score, 60 score as outcome
from session_score
where session_no = 1
union all
select ss.id, ss.session_no, ss.score,
when c.outcome ss.score > 100 then 100
when c.outcome ss.score < 0 then 0
else c.outcome ss.score
end as outcome
from session_score ss
join cte c
on ss.id = c.id
and ss.session_no = c.session_no 1)
select id, session_no, score, outcome
from cte
order by 1,2;
Tested with 2 IDs:
id |session_no|score|outcome|
------ ---------- ----- -------
ST0127| 1| 2| 62|
ST0127| 2| 2| 64|
ST0127| 3| 2| 66|
ST0127| 4| 2| 68|
ST0127| 5| 2| 70|
ST0127| 6| 2| 72|
ST0127| 7| 2| 74|
ST0127| 8| 2| 76|
ST0127| 9| 2| 78|
ST0127| 10| 2| 80|
ST0127| 11| 2| 82|
ST0127| 12| 2| 84|
ST0127| 13| 2| 86|
ST0127| 14| 2| 88|
ST0127| 15| 2| 90|
ST0127| 16| 2| 92|
ST0127| 17| 2| 94|
ST0127| 18| 2| 96|
ST0127| 19| 2| 98|
ST0127| 20| 2| 100|
ST0127| 21| 2| 100|
ST0127| 22| 2| 100|
ST0127| 23| -5| 95|
ST0127| 24| 2| 97|
ST0127| 25| 0| 97|
ST0127| 26| -5| 92|
ST0127| 27| 2| 94|
ST0127| 28| 2| 96|
ST0127| 29| 2| 98|
ST0128| 1| 2| 62|
ST0128| 2| 2| 64|
ST0128| 3| 2| 66|
ST0128| 4| 2| 68|
ST0128| 5| 2| 70|
ST0128| 6| 2| 72|
CodePudding user response:
This will work correctly for the same id:
@running_total :=
CASE WHEN @running_total y.score > 100 THEN 100
WHEN @running_total y.score < 0 THEN 0
ELSE @running_total y.score END
AS cumulative_sum
FROM yourtable y
JOIN (SELECT @running_total := 60) r
ORDER BY y.id, y.nosession
This will do for different id's:
SELECT sub.id, sub.nosession, sub.score, sub.cumulative_sum
@running_total :=
CASE WHEN id <> @id THEN 60 y.score
WHEN @running_total y.score > 100 THEN 100
WHEN @running_total y.score < 0 THEN 0
ELSE @running_total y.score END
AS cumulative_sum,
@id := y.id
FROM yourtable y
JOIN (SELECT @running_total := 60, @id:='0') r
ORDER BY y.id, y.nosession) sub;
Try out here: db<>fiddle