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Turn the VB database password clear connection decompiled out?


Loc_004099B0: push ebp
Loc_004099B1: mov ebp, esp
Loc_004099B3: sub esp, 0000000 ch
004012 f6h loc_004099B6: push; __vbaExceptHandler
Loc_004099BB: mov eax, fs: [h] 00000000
Loc_004099C1: push eax
Loc_004099C2: mov fs: [h] 00000000, esp
Loc_004099C9: sub esp, 00000008 h
Loc_004099CC: push ebx
Loc_004099CD: push esi
Loc_004099CE: push edi
Loc_004099CF: mov var_C, esp
Loc_004099D2: mov var_8, 00401160 h
Loc_004099D9: mov var_4, 00000000 h
Loc_004099E0: mov esi, arg_8
Loc_004099E3: push esi
Loc_004099E4: mov eax, (esi)
Loc_004099E6: call [eax + 00000004 h]
Loc_004099E9: mov edx, 0040486 ch; "The Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; The PWD=dc2010; Initial Catalog=lihe2 Data Source=server09Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; The PWD=WWW. Initial Catalog=li; Data Source=server09 "
Loc_004099EE: lea ecx, [esi + 00000034 h]
Loc_004099F1: call f0h [004010]; __vbaStrCopy
Loc_004099F7: mov eax, arg_8
Loc_004099FA: push eax
Loc_004099FB: mov ecx, [eax]
Loc_004099FD: call [ecx + 00000008 h]
Loc_00409A00: mov eax, var_4
Loc_00409A03: mov ecx, var_14
Loc_00409A06: pop edi
Loc_00409A07: pop esi
Loc_00409A08: mov fs: [h] 00000000, ecx
Loc_00409A0F: pop ebx
Loc_00409A10: mov esp, ebp
Loc_00409A12: pop ebp
Loc_00409A13: retn 0004 h

CodePudding user response:

Since "decompiled out"...
You can drag "library", and then see what it contains some useful information,

CodePudding user response:

Don't put in the code inside clear bai
Such as the connection string encryption, and then put in code or individual files,
Code with a connection string to decrypt when put variables, although this is not can't be decompiled tracking, but at least add a bit of difficulty,

CodePudding user response:

To CS or BS

CodePudding user response:

The default can be articulated access database, have what is the difference between the password?

If this is you want to play, there is another way to:

1 declare a public string variable strPassword,
2 the password string assigned to it the right time,
3 the connection string to write like this:

"The Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; The PWD=dc2010; Initial Catalog=lihe2 Data Source=server09Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; The PWD="& amp; StrPassword & amp; "; Initial Catalog=li; Data Source=server09"

CodePudding user response:

Also need to compile it, directly use notepad to open the can see,
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