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I want to use ADO SQL query EXCEL, but can not get the result, can help me find the reason


I want to use ADO + SQL query EXCEL, but can not get the result, can help me find the reason, thank you
 Public xlApp As Excel. Application class defined Excel '
. Public xlBook As Excel Workbook 'class definition artifacts book
Public xlsheet As Excel. The Worksheet 'definition Worksheet class
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
FileName="warehouse. XLS"
The Set xlApp=GetObject (" Excel. Application "), 'whether Excel open
XlApp. WindowState=xlMaximized
The Set xlBook=xlApp. Workbooks. Open (App) Path & amp; "" & amp; FileName) 'open workpiece book file
XlApp. Visible=True
Set the CNN=CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
The Set rst2=CreateObject (" ADODB. You ")
'Set xlsheet=xlBook. Worksheets (4)
'xlsheet. Unprotect "123 ABC"
'xlsheet. Range (" J, J). ClearContents

CNN. Open the provider="Microsoft. Jet. The oledb. 4.0; Extended properties=8.0 Excel; Data source="& amp; App. The Path & amp; "" & amp; FileName
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [" & amp; Sh. The Name & amp;" $] "
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [balance $] where material name='JACK IN THE BOX", "
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [balance $]"
'Set rst2=CNN. The Execute (" SELECT material name, specifications, outbound, outbound people FROM [outbound $] where name=' TARGET.COM 'material and outbound way=' procurement warehousing ")
The Set rst2=CNN. The Execute (StrSQL)
The Set xlsheet=xlBook. Worksheets (2)
Xlsheet. Range (" a5 "). CopyFromRecordset rst2
For I=1 To 2 'rst2. Fields. The Count' SQL access To the results of column headings
'MsgBox rst2. Fields (I - 1). The Name' field Name,
'MsgBox rst2. Fields (I - 1)' field name,

End Sub

Tracking no errors, I was wrong? thank you

CodePudding user response:

Is like your
Set xlBook=xlApp. Workbooks. Open (App) Path & amp; "" & amp; FileName) 'open workpiece book file

With the
CNN. Open ". The provider=Microsoft jet. The oledb. 4.0; Extended properties=8.0 Excel; Data source="& amp; App. The Path & amp; "" & amp; FileName

Conflict, open the excel file you want to use it as a data source might be the problem, I forget, may be that you have a try

CodePudding user response:

Again after you decide if open the excel if if there is no open to open a
On the Error Resume Next
The Set xlApp=GetObject (" Excel. Application "), 'whether Excel open
If Err. Number=429 Then Set xlApp=CreateObject (" Excel. Application ")

CodePudding user response:

 Public xlApp As Excel. Application class defined Excel '
. Public xlBook As Excel Workbook 'class definition artifacts book
Public xlsheet As Excel. The Worksheet 'definition Worksheet class
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
FileName="warehouse. XLS"

Set the CNN=CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
The Set rst2=CreateObject (" ADODB. You ")

CNN. Open the provider="Microsoft. Jet. The oledb. 4.0; Extended properties=8.0 Excel; Data source="& amp; App. The Path & amp; "" & amp; FileName
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [" & amp; Sh. The Name & amp;" $] "
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [balance $] where material name='JACK IN THE BOX", "
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM [balance $]"
'Set rst2=CNN. The Execute (" SELECT material name, specifications, outbound, outbound people FROM [outbound $] where name=' TARGET.COM 'material and outbound way=' procurement warehousing ")
The Set rst2=CNN. The Execute (StrSQL)

For I=1 To 2 'rst2. Fields. The Count' SQL access To the results of column headings
MsgBox rst2. Fields (I - 1). The Name 'field Name,
MsgBox rst2. Fields (I - 1) 'field name,

Rst2. Close
The Set rst2=Nothing
CNN. Close
The Set of CNN=Nothing
End Sub

Will result in the work table, put it in another job can be opened and thin, can't work to query the thin,
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