Home > Software engineering >  How do you combine RxJs and NgRx to make multiple Rest-Calls and make them wait for a result?
How do you combine RxJs and NgRx to make multiple Rest-Calls and make them wait for a result?


In my Effect im listening on an Action, that value of the Action is a string Array. Now i need to loop over the array and use the values as inputs for the next asnyc function.

someEffect$ = createEffect(() => 
        mergeMap(({ someValue }) => 
                map((result) => someOtherAction)

I have tried a few different things. The one below seemed to get me to the closest one i wanted. But since the Rest-calls need a moment to return, the array is always empty.

someEffect$ = createEffect(() => 
        mergeMap(({ someValue }) => {
              const array = [];
              someValue.forEach((value) => 
                 this.http.get(value).pipe(tap((object) => array.push(object)))

              return of(someOtherAction(array))

Does anyone have an idea, how to make the whole thing wait for the rest calls to return back?

CodePudding user response:

Use a forkJoin.

someEffect$ = createEffect(() => 
        mergeMap(({ someValue }) => 
          forkJoin(someValue.map(value => this.http.get(value)))              

The forkJoin takes an array of Obserables and emits when every Observable is completed. It outputs the results as an array.

CodePudding user response:

Simply you can continue writing the next call after you finished the first one (someValue.forEach).

The long scenario is:

  1. Call the action "someOtherAction".
  2. Create a Reducer that reads the array and update the Store with it.
  3. Create a Selector that reads the array from the Store.
  4. In the Component you subscribe on the Selector.
  5. Inside the Subscribe event you Dispatch a new Action that call the second call you mentioned. For inspiration, you can read this example in gitHub: https://github.com/DeborahK/Angular-NgRx-GettingStarted/tree/master/APM-Demo5/src/app/products/state
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