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Get Country using ip address and output New Year Countdown according to that


Here I am trying to retrieve the IP address of the user, and with the timezone that I got from the IP address, I want to check if the date is 1/01/2023 for that country and then if it is, I want to redirect the user to another subdomain which has a Happy New Year Page:

$ipInfo = file_get_contents('http://ip-api.com/json/' . $ip);
$ipInfo = json_decode($ipInfo);
$timezone = $ipInfo->timezone;
if (date('d') == '01' && date('m') == '01' && date('Y') == '2023') {
  header('Location: https://2023.blogsaffair.com/');

if (date('d') == '1' && date('m') == '11') {
  header('Location: https://blogsaffair.com');

My scripts.js code for countdown

const secondsText = document.getElementById('seconds');
const minutesText = document.getElementById('minutes');
const hoursText = document.getElementById('hours');
const daysText = document.getElementById('days');

function countDown () {
    var deadlineDate = new Date("Jan 1, 2023 00:00:00").getTime();
    var presentDate= new Date().getTime();
    var timeLeft = deadlineDate - presentDate;
    var daysValue = Math.floor(timeLeft / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
    var hoursValue = Math.floor(timeLeft % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
    var minutesValue = Math.floor(timeLeft % (1000 * 60 * 60) / (1000 * 60));
    var secondsValue = Math.floor(timeLeft % (1000 * 60) / (1000));

    secondsText.textContent = secondsValue;
    minutesText.textContent = minutesValue;
    hoursText.textContent = hoursValue;
    daysText.textContent = daysValue;

    if(timeLeft < 0){

setInterval(countDown, 1000);

I am trying to achieve what timeanddate.com shows on this link https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/newyear

How can I display the countdown for that country using IP. I couldn't find this anywhere on the internet so please help if you can? Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

$ipInfo = file_get_contents('http://ip-api.com/json/' . $ip);
$ipInfo = json_decode($ipInfo);
$timezone = $ipInfo->timezone;

// Get the current date and time in the timezone of the user's IP address
$date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($timezone));

// Check if the date is 1/01/2023 in the timezone of the user's IP address
if ($date->format('d') == '01' && $date->format('m') == '01' && $date->format('Y') == '2023') {
  header('Location: https://2023.blogsaffair.com/');

// If not, check if it's 11/01 in the user's timezone
if ($date->format('d') == '1' && $date->format('m') == '11') {
  header('Location: https://blogsaffair.com');

the date and time in the timezone of the user's IP address is retrieved using the DateTime class and the DateTimeZone class. Then, the date is checked to see if it is 1/01/2023 in that timezone. the code checks if it is 11/01 in the user's timezone and redirects the user accordingly.

CodePudding user response:

To display a countdown to New Year's Day 2023 for a user based on their time zone, you will need to do the following:

  • Retrieve the user's IP address using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].
  • Use a service like http://ip-api.com to determine the user's time zone based on their IP address. You can do this by making an HTTP GET request to the following URL: http://ip-api.com/json/{IP_ADDRESS}, where {IP_ADDRESS} is the user's IP address. This will return a JSON object containing information about the user's location, including their time zone.
  • Use the time zone information to create a new Date object representing New Year's Day 2023 in the user's time zone. You can do this by using the Date constructor and passing in a string in the format "Jan 1, 2023 00:00:00", followed by the getTime() method to get the timestamp for that date in the user's time zone.
  • Calculate the time remaining until New Year's Day 2023 by subtracting the current timestamp from the timestamp for New Year's Day 2023 in the user's time zone.
  • Divide the time remaining by the number of milliseconds in a day, hour, minute, and second to determine the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds remaining until New Year's Day 2023.
  • Use this information to update the text content of the appropriate HTML elements on your page to display the countdown. I would recommend checking the documentation for the Date constructor and the getTime() method to ensure that you're using them correctly. You should also make sure that your PHP and JavaScript code is properly formatted and free of syntax errors.

It's worth noting that the approach you've described (i.e., redirecting the user to a different subdomain based on the current date and time) may not be the most user-friendly way of displaying a countdown. A better approach might be to use JavaScript to update the countdown on the same page, without requiring the user to navigate to a different URL. This would allow the user to see the countdown without having to refresh the page or navigate away from the content they're currently viewing.

Here is an example of how you might implement a countdown to New Year's Day 2023 for a user based on their time zone using PHP and JavaScript:

// Get the user's IP address

// Use a service like http://ip-api.com to determine the user's time zone
// based on their IP address
$ipInfo = file_get_contents('http://ip-api.com/json/' . $ip);
$ipInfo = json_decode($ipInfo);
$timezone = $ipInfo->timezone;

// Use the time zone information to create a new Date object representing
// New Year's Day 2023 in the user's time zone
$deadlineDate = new Date("Jan 1, 2023 00:00:00", $timezone);
$deadlineTimestamp = $deadlineDate->getTime();

// Calculate the time remaining until New Year's Day 2023
$presentDate = new Date();
$presentTimestamp = $presentDate->getTime();
$timeLeft = $deadlineTimestamp - $presentTimestamp;

// Divide the time remaining by the number of milliseconds in a day, hour,
// minute, and second to determine the number of days, hours, minutes, and
// seconds remaining until New Year's Day 2023
$days = floor($timeLeft / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
$hours = floor(($timeLeft % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
$minutes = floor(($timeLeft % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
$seconds = floor(($timeLeft % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);

// Use this information to update the text content of the appropriate HTML
// elements on your page to display the countdown
echo "<div id='countdown'>";
echo "<span id='days'>$days</span> days, ";
echo "<span id='hours'>$hours</span> hours, ";
echo "<span id='minutes'>$minutes</span> minutes, and ";
echo "<span id='seconds'>$seconds</span> seconds";
echo "</div>";

// If the current date and time are New Year's Day 2023 in the user's time zone,
// redirect the user to a different URL
if ($presentTimestamp >= $deadlineTimestamp) {
    header('Location: https://2023.blogsaffair.com/');

This code uses PHP to retrieve the user's IP address, determine their time zone, and calculate the time remaining until New Year's Day 2023. It then uses this information to update the text content of the appropriate HTML elements on the page, which can be styled using CSS to display the countdown.

You can then use JavaScript to update the countdown every second, using the setInterval method:

// Get references to the HTML elements that will display the countdown
const days = document.getElementById('days');
const hours = document.getElementById('hours');
const minutes = document.getElementById('minutes');
const seconds = document.getElementById('seconds');

// Define a function that calculates the time remaining until New Year's Day 2023
// in the user's time zone and updates the text content of the
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