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How can I find all capitalization combinations of a String in Swift?



I'm trying to find all of the possible combinations of capitalization for a String in Swift. For example, given the String "abc", I would want my method to return an Array of Strings, like this: ["Abc", "aBc", "abC", "ABc", "abc", "ABC", "aBC", "AbC"]. The formula for the possible number of capitalization combinations is like this:


where i is the number of Characters in the String.

Attempted Solutions

I've tried the following function, via an extension to the String type:

extension String {
func allPossibleCombinations() -> [String] {
        let string = self
        var result = [String]()
        var current = string
        for i in 0..<string.count {
            let index = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: i)
            if string[index].isLetter {
                current = current.replacingCharacters(in: index...index, with: String(current[index]).uppercased())
        return result


This didn't work because it only returns capitalizations in order. For example, if I were to call this method on the String "abc", it would return

["abc", "Abc", "ABc", "ABC"]

This should produce, as stated above, 8 different Strings. I suspect that I need to factor in an exponent to my code, or potentially some form of randomly choosing a Character.

Similar questions that are NOT duplicates


I am trying to make a function to get all possible capitalization forms of a String. I have a current attempt, but it is not sufficient as it does not produce all possible options.

CodePudding user response:

Compute the integers in the range 0 ..< 2^length and use the bits of the binary representation to tell you when to capitalize a letter:

extension String {
    func allPossibleCombinations() -> [String] {
        guard self.count > 0 else { return [] }
        var result = [String]()
        let lower = self.lowercased().map(String.init)
        let upper = self.uppercased().map(String.init)
        let length = self.count
        let limit = 1 << length
        for n in 0..<limit {
            var word = ""
            for i in 0..<length {
                if n & (1 << (length - i - 1)) != 0 {
                    word  = upper[i]
                } else {
                    word  = lower[i]
        return result



// ["abc", "abC", "aBc", "aBC", "Abc", "AbC", "ABc", "ABC"]


// ["abcd", "abcD", "abCd", "abCD", "aBcd", "aBcD", "aBCd", "aBCD", "Abcd", "AbcD", "AbCd", "AbCD", "ABcd", "ABcD", "ABCd", "ABCD"]

Alex's Swifty Version

In the comments, Alex added this Swifty version using nested maps:

extension String {
    func allPossibleCombinations() -> [String] {
        guard self.count > 0 else { return [] }

        let length = self.count
        let limit = 1 << self.count
        return (0..<limit) .map { n in
            return self.enumerated()
                .map { i, c in (n & (1 << (length - i - 1)) != 0) ? c.uppercased() : c.lowercased() }

CodePudding user response:

You could follow a recursive approach:

func capitalizations(of string: String) -> [String] {
    guard let first = string.first else { return [] }

    let firstLowercase = first.lowercased()
    let firstUppercase = first.uppercased()

    if string.count == 1 {
        return [firstLowercase, firstUppercase]
    } else {
        let partial = capitalizations(of: String(string.dropFirst()))
        return partial.map { firstLowercase   $0 }   partial.map { firstUppercase   $0 }

print(capitalizations(of: "abc"))
// ["abc", "abC", "aBc", "aBC", "Abc", "AbC", "ABc", "ABC"]

Just take the first character, lowercase and uppercase it, and prepend it to capitalizations for the rest of the string.

CodePudding user response:

Use uniquePermutations.

import Algorithms

extension String {
  var capitalizationCombinations: [Self] {
    [false, true].flatMap {
      capitalize in repeatElement(capitalize, count: count)
    .uniquePermutations(ofCount: count)
    .map { [lowercased = lowercased()] capitalizes in
        zip(lowercased, capitalizes).map { character, capitalize in
          capitalize ? character.uppercased().first! : character
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