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Adding square brackets [ ] to every .json file in the directory


I have a bunch of separate .json files in one folder. Like this:


Lots of them.

If you open them - they all look like this:

"Participant_id":  "P50_00001",
"no_of_people":  "Single",
"apparent_gender":  "M",
"geographic_location":  "JPN",
"ethnicity":  "Japanese",
"capture_device_used":  "iOS14",
"camera_orientation":  "Portrait",
"camera_position":  "Frontal View",
"Indoors_Outdoors_env":  "Outdoors",
"lighting_condition":  "Medium",
"Occluded":  "None",
"scene_category":  "Nature",
"camera_movement":  "Still",
"action":  "No action",
"Indoors_Outdoors_in_moving_car_or_train":  "Outdoors",
"daytime_nighttime":  "daytime"

But I need them to have square brackets in the beginning and the end:

    "Participant_id":  "P50_00001",
    "no_of_people":  "Single",
    "apparent_gender":  "M",
    "geographic_location":  "JPN",
    "ethnicity":  "Japanese",
    "capture_device_used":  "iOS14",
    "camera_orientation":  "Portrait",
    "camera_position":  "Frontal View",
    "Indoors_Outdoors_env":  "Outdoors",
    "lighting_condition":  "Medium",
    "Occluded":  "None",
    "scene_category":  "Nature",
    "camera_movement":  "Still",
    "action":  "No action",
    "Indoors_Outdoors_in_moving_car_or_train":  "Outdoors",
    "daytime_nighttime":  "daytime"

How can I batch-add square brackets to all the .json files in one directory at once? Any way possible - powershell, javascript, python or even some sort of notepad, that's why I tag all of it.


CodePudding user response:

You can do this by using PowerShell:

$files = Get-ChildItem | Where Name -Like "*.json"
foreach ($file in $files) {
    $value = Get-Content $file | ConvertFrom-Json
    $value = ,@($value)
    $value | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $file

Note the comma before the @($value). This is needed to get PowerShell to add a superfluous layer of list. Otherwise, single-item lists are dissolved into their item immediately.

CodePudding user response:

import json

file_dir = ['P50_00001.json', 'P50_00002.json', 'P50_00003.json', 'P50_00004.json', 'P50_00005.json'] # TODO: Change it!

x = []

for i in file_dir:

    file = open(i)

    obj = json.load(file)


with open("new_req_file.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(x, file)

I first created the list with all of the dir for your json files. Then I looped over every dir to open and load the json data into python dict. Then I appended the that dict into a list.

After looping that list holds every dict from json files. And finally I just dumped the list into new json file!

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