I have a esp32 in my home which i have programmed for controlling some christmas lights. I have set up a http server on it connected to my home wifi, and can control it by sending http requests to using either the web browser or postman.
I would prefer to be able to make post requests and control the request body from the ui.
I do not have any other server in my home, and do not want to expose the esp32 to anything outside my home wifi.
What is a good way to build a ui for the lights where i do not hit these issues?
When i try make a UI using e.g. javascript i get hit by a a bunch of security walls (understandably). I tried using flutter, and it works in dev, but when i installed the apk to an android phone it stopped working. In flutter i used the http library.
CodePudding user response:
You could make an android app, is fairly simple, then you could make a json string and send it as a POST html message from android app, to the local IP of the ESP32. I made a code similar a time ago and looks something like this:
ui.button.setOnClickListener {
//val url = ""
val url = ui.urlTexto.text.toString()
val jsonBody = JSONObject()
//val valorPin = ui.pinTexto.text.toString().toIntOrNull()
//val valorEstado = ui.estadoTexto.text.toString().toIntOrNull()
val valorPin = 1
val valorEstado = 1000
if (valorPin != null) {
if(valorPin in 0..13){
if (valorEstado != null) {
if(valorEstado >= 0 && valorEstado <= 2000){
jsonBody.put("opcion", valorPin.toString())
jsonBody.put("tiempo", valorEstado.toString())
val jsonObjectRequest = JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST, url, jsonBody,
{ response -> ui.visorTexto.setText(response.toString())}
) { error -> ui.visorTexto.setText(error.printStackTrace().toString()) }
jsonObjectRequest.retryPolicy = DefaultRetryPolicy(
val cache = DiskBasedCache(cacheDir, 1024 * 1024) // 1MB cap
val network = BasicNetwork(HurlStack())
var requestQueue = RequestQueue(cache, network).apply {
} else{
ui.visorTexto.setText("Error el estado es incorrecto: ${valorEstado}")
} else{
ui.visorTexto.setText("Error el rango de pin es incorrecto")
ui.visorTexto.setText("Error1 ${valorPin}")
The user interface on android studio just have a button, and the options to make a led on or off, any of the digital pins of the ESP32. I used kotling and Android Studio Dolphin.