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I've been writing a paper on, two math problems now, please help to solve:
1. Breadthfirst - search (BFS) (breadth-first search), what I need is as shown in figure:

I need to find only the point (0) in as a starting point (such as no. 1 in the figure) to only point out (0) to the end (so the diagram 7,8,9) as the path of how many, what are the specific path, so the diagram to find the result is that the 1-2-4-7, 1-2-4-8, 1-2-5-8 and 1-2-5-9, this is an example, my number of nodes in actual application and can have thousands of interrelated connections, I saw the original referred to in the breadth first search method is to use, please in high flux (the actual use of thousands of nodes and more path) state specific how to operate,
2. Hypergeometric test (hypergeometric inspection), lead to this problem by the above problem, after the process above, I will find many paths, and I have some of the known node information, I will compare each node in each path, calculate the known node in each path ratio (CR, CR=N/N always known node), and then to calculate the degree of each path significantly (p value), I see mentioned in the original method is to do with hypergeometric inspection, can you tell me the detailed calculation,
Give three examples of specific examples below, I need to input the data from this table, including A, B two columns are various nodes, path towards are made by A to B, some points will be in A column in column B also from this can form before I draw the network diagram form, I need to calculate is calculated from the form how many kind of path, and every path is what (what I read in the literature call the selected method of breadth first search), after the two columns as part of A specific node (I mark red node, for example), I hope to work out the ratio of the red node in each kind of path, and every significant (p value) of the path (call this algorithm in the literature hypergeometric inspection), the younger brother novice, practical application, A great god please help, thank you!
A, B
E47 hsa miR - 106 - b - 5 p
E47 hsa - miR - 3196
E47 hsa - miR - 3196
Sp1 hsa - miR - 93-5 p
ATF hsa - miR - 1915-3 p
E2F hsa - miR - 663 - a
Hsa Elk - 1 - miR - 106 - b - 5 p
Hsa Elk - 1 - miR - 3196
NF - E2 hsa - miR - 638
E4BP4 hsa - miR - 99 - a - 5 p
E2F hsa miR - 106 - b - 5 p
E2F hsa - miR - 93-5 p
NF kappaB - (p50) hsa miR - 106 - b - 5 p
NF kappaB - (p50) hsa miR - 106 - b - 5 p
C - Rel hsa - miR - 93-5 p
C - Rel hsa - miR - 99 - a - 5 p
NF - kappaB hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p
NF - kappaB hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p
NF - kappaB hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p
Myogenin hsa/NF - 1 - miR - 3196
Myogenin hsa/NF - 1 - miR - 93-5 p
STAT5B (homodimer) CALD1
CYB561D1 LUN - 1
STAT5B (homodimer) SLC2A13
PPARalpha: RXRalpha TMEM127
Tel - 2 MKNK2
STAT5A (CREM homotetramer)
PPARalpha: RXRalpha TSPAN7
ATF6 C14orf4
RGS16 MTF - 1
RORalpha2 SOX17
NRSF form 2 RBL1
Rb: E2F - 1: MCM6 DP - 1
HAS3 LUN - 1
C12orf24 LUN - 1
Hsa - miR - 2054 FUT4
Hsa - miR - 4298 C1orf144
Hsa - miR - 4298 TYRO3
Hsa - miR - 4298 FBXW7
Hsa - miR - 4298 HNRNPA3
Hsa - miR - 17-5 p FAM84B
Hsa - miR - 17-5 p ARL1
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p LAPTM4A
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p ITPKB
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p BAMBI
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p IL8
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p FAM117A
Hsa - miR - 106 - b - 5 p CEP170
Hsa - miR - 17-5 p BTG3

CodePudding user response:

Didn't figure at reading, figure? Must have very professional (!)

CodePudding user response:

The appearance of very deep

CodePudding user response:

Totally mystified ~!
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