Home > Software engineering >  pandas - can't strip '}' by str.strip function
pandas - can't strip '}' by str.strip function


i have below sample data in csv file.


when I use strip function to strip the right brace }, it fails to strip.

df.string =  df.string.apply(lambda x: x.strip('}'))

but when i tried to strip the left brace {, it works.

what's the root cause here?

CodePudding user response:

Do you read the file with doublequote=False, this should work fine with the default doublequote=True?

import io

data = '''string,class,id

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep=',', doublequote=True)

df['string'] = df['string'].str.strip('}')



                             string   class   id
0  {"key1":"value1":"key2":"value2"  classA  idA
1  {"key3":"value3":"key4":"value4"  classB  idB
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