Intime |
17:44:58.2555247 |
How to Trim '2555247'from Intime value Looking for output "17:44:58" Could someone help on this. Thank you...
CodePudding user response:
We can simply convert the input to a "normal" time:
SELECT CONVERT(intime, TIME) AS intime
FROM yourtable;
If we don't want to select only, but to execute an update, this will do:
UPDATE yourtable
SET intime = CONVERT(intime, TIME);
If we want to alter the table and change the column to a "normal" time, whis will do:
ALTER TABLE yourtable MODIFY intime TIME;
If we then do inserts like this...
INSERT INTO yourtable VALUES ('17:44:58.2555247');
...and select from the table, the output will be 17:44:58