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Unable to call forEach function from an Array in typescript


I have a class with an array of object.

export interface Filter {

I try to use forEach function to loop and log each object value inside the array.

f : Filter = {sf:[{key:'a',value:'b'},{key:'c',value:'d'}]}; 

f.sf.forEach(element => {

However error appears inside the mongo db server.

[error] f.sf.forEach is not a function 0
node                           | TypeError: f.sf.forEach is not a function

how can I fix this error so the forEach works? thank you.

CodePudding user response:

As stated by your Filter interface, sf is optional.

You either need to make it non-optional like so:

export interface Filter {

Another way of writing this is:

type SF = {

interface Filter {
  sf: SF[];

Or use optional chaining like this:

f.sf?.forEach(element => {

CodePudding user response:

I think it's because sf is an optional price

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