I am implementing the following formula:
in Python (with SciPy and NumPy). I wrote the following expression:
def fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(t, k, c, x_0):
if k == 0 & c == 0:
print("Case 2")
t_1 = (k - c)/(k - 2*c)
t_2 = np.exp((k * x_0 k*(k - 2*c)*t))
t_3 = erfc((x_0 2 * (k - c) * t)/(np.sqrt(4*t)))
t_4 = 0.5
t_5 = erfc((- x_0 2 * c * t)/np.sqrt(4 * t))
t_6 = k/(k - (2 * c))
t_7 = np.exp(2 * c * x_0)
t_8 = erfc((x_0 2*c*t)/(np.sqrt(4*t)))
y = t_1 * t_2 * t_3 t_4 * (t_5 - t_6 * t_7 * t_8)
return y
Case 1:
If I am using the following conditions, I am getting "good" numbers (t_2 = 1.94e 05) and the plot
D = .25
x_val = np.linspace(1,500,250)
c = 0
x_0 = 5
for k in [.8]:
y_val = fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(x_val * D, k, c, x_0)
| |
# print(np.concatenate((x_val.reshape([250,1]), y_val.reshape([250,1])), axis = 1))
plt.plot(x_val, y_val)
Case 2: However, if I am just putting this in the console,
fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(np.array((50.0)) * .25, 10, 0, 0.8)
| |
I get the return
t_2 = np.exp((k * x_0 k*(k - 2*c)*t))
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
After some search, I found t_2 is just getting too big, to be further processed (1,2), t_2 is then
-> So the question now is, why can python calculate numbers, when using a NumPy array indirectly (case 1), but not when using the NumPy array directly (case 2)? Thank you for reading this far.
CodePudding user response:
It depends on how you tell NumPy to handle errors. You can control it with seterr or errstate.
For example:
>>> with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
... print(fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(np.array((50.0)) * .25, 10, 0, 0.8))
>>> with np.errstate(all='warn'):
... print(fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(np.array((50.0)) * .25, 10, 0, 0.8))
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
t_2 = np.exp((k * x_0 k * (k - 2 * c) * t))
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
y = t_1 * t_2 * t_3 t_4 * (t_5 - t_6 * t_7 * t_8)
>>> with np.errstate(all='raise'):
... print(fokker_plank_solution_1_sur(np.array((50.0)) * .25, 10, 0, 0.8))
Traceback (most recent call last):
t_2 = np.exp((k * x_0 k * (k - 2 * c) * t))
FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in exp
You are likely using a different setting in your program and when you call the function from the console.