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Add property binding programmatically instead of template


I am trying to understand if this is possible or not in Angular. Instead of defining a control binding in template:

<button [disabled]="helper.disabled"></button>

Can I send the control, without any binding defined in the template, to a helper class and set the binding there?

The code example below does not work. It does not set up a working databinding that later can be used in randomMethod() to change the disabled state of the button.

Have I just set the binding in wrong lifecycle or misunderstood something else?

// ***** my-component.html ****************
<button #myButton></button>

// ***** my-component.ts ****************
@ViewChild('myButton') myButton: Button;
protected helper: Helper;

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.helper = new Helper();

ngAfterViewInit(): void {


// ***** helper.ts ****************

public disabled boolean;

public initButton(button:Button): void{
  button.disabled = this.disabled; // <-- HOW TO?

private randomMethod(){
  this.disabled = true;

CodePudding user response:

@ViewChild gives an ElementRef, using the native element property of the ElementRef you can set the disabled property

// Component
@ViewChild('myButton') myButton: ElementRef;

// Helper
public initButton(button: ElementRef): void {
  button.nativeElement.disabled = this.disabled;
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