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Questions about VB connection and query, thank you all for the warrior


Now command1 is used to implement the data connection and displayed in the datagrid1, using Command2 implements the query text2 content, and the query results show in datagrid1, I would like to ask experts, a second piece of code is too complicated, I don't each operation (query add, etc.) to write these again? Thank you, we give a detailed answer, finally, the code, thank you very much!!!!!!

Private Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim Cn As New ADODB. Connection
Dim Rst As New ADODB. You
Dim SqlStr As String
Cn. The Open ". The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Data Source="& amp; App. The Path & amp; "\ db2. MDB; Persist Security Info=False "
SqlStr="Select * From table 1"
Rst. CursorLocation=adUseClient
Rst. Open SqlStr, Cn, adOpenDynamic adLockOptimistic, adCmdText 'Open recordset
Set DataGrid1. The DataSource to DataGrid modify data source=Rst '
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click ()
Dim Cn As New ADODB. Connection
Dim Rst As New ADODB. You
Dim SqlStr As String
Cn. The Open ". The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Data Source="& amp; App. The Path & amp; "\ db2. MDB; Persist Security Info=False "
SqlStr="Select * From table 1 where name='" & amp; Text2. Text & amp; "'
"Rst. CursorLocation=adUseClient
Rst. Open SqlStr, Cn, adOpenDynamic adLockOptimistic, adCmdText 'Open recordset
Set DataGrid1. The DataSource to DataGrid modify data source=Rst '
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

SqlStr="Select * From table 1 where name='" & amp; Text2. Text & amp; "'
Put including the names of all the fields in a combobox,
The code is amended as:

SqlStr="Select * From table 1 where" & amp; Combo1. Text & amp;"='" & amp; Text2. Text & amp; "'"
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