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WebQQ secondary login returns the error problem


Have been successful login QQ website to login QQ need to post a

By using data obtained following postdate httpwatch observation
POST/channel/login2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
The Accept - Language: useful - cn
Referer: http://d.web2.qq.com/proxy.html? V=20110331002 & amp; The callback=2
The content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded
The Accept - Encoding: gzip, deflate
The user-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1); The.net CLR 2.0.50727; The.net CLR 4.0.20506; The.net CLR 1.1.4322)
Host: d.web2.qq.com
The Content - Length: 246
Connection: Keep Alive -
Cache-control: no - Cache
Cookie: pt2gguin=o0479556915; Pgv_pvid=9939982880; Pgv_flv=10.0; Pgv_r_cookie=11535462382; O_cookie=479556915; Pgv_info=ssid=s5883071632 & amp; PgvReferrer=; Ptui_width=360; Ptui_height=187; Uin=o0479556915; Skey=@ dXocUoTBo; Ptisp=CTC; Ptwebqq=d07acb059ca06e6f3bb70d8f889a6bcf9bee0c379e9afcf039566e78357108e4

R=% 7 b % 22 status % 3 a % 22 online 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 ptwebqq % 3 a % 22 d07acb059ca06e6f3bb70d8f889a6bcf9bee0c379e9afcf039566e78357108e4 22% 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 passwd_sig % 3 a 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 clientid % 3 a 22% 22% % 2213439812% % 22% 2 c % 22 psessionid 3 anull % 7 d & amp; Clientid=13439812 & amp; Psessionid=null

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ptweqq values will be obtained from the cookies and restructuring the clientid is a random value
PostDate="r=% 7 b % 22 status % 22% % 22 online 3 a 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 ptwebqq % 3 a % 22" & amp; MyC. Ptwebqq & amp; "% 22% 2 c % 22 passwd_sig % 3 a 22% 22% % 22% % 22 clientid % 22% 2 c 3 a 22% % 229927991% % 22% 2 c % 22 psessionid 3 anull % 7 d & amp; Clientid=9927991 & amp; Psessionid=null "


Rc.inet1. Execute PostUrl, "POST", PostDate
Normal should be returned as follows a josn data
{" retcode ": 0," result ": {" uin:" 279925790, "cip" : 3737104921, "index" : 1073, "port" : 47631, the "status" : "online", "vfwebqq" : "9 c0fc4f0864fe5a239f3ad74cb28758d0c0a927acf5b5ed1290f53cfe89990d1dd0b8ce0b11223aa", "psessionid" : "8368046764001 e636f6e6e7365727665725f77656271714031302e3132382e36362e313132000013d500000981026e04003375951c6d0000000a4064586f63556f54426f6d000000289c0fc4f0864fe5a239f3ad74cb28758d0c0a927acf5b5ed1290f53cfe89990d1dd0b8ce0b11223aa", "user_state" : 0, "f" : 0}}

However, after I run the above code is returned error message


Error occured: & lt;/h1>
 {function_clause, [{app_util get_value, 
& lt; & Lt;" R=% 7 b % 22 status % 3 a % 22 online 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 ptwebqq % 3 a % 22 e763f08816f9b24e861f63ba794a872fb98452045956db5cef82aeafc7b72ea6 22% 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 passwd_sig % 3 a 22% % 22% 2 c % 22 clientid % 3 a 22% 22% % 229927991% % 22% 2 c % 22 psessionid 3 anull % 7 d & amp; amp; Clientid=9927991 & amp; amp; Psessionid=null "& amp; gt; & gt; ] },
{app_util, prop, 3},
{application_util, extract_call_info, 3},
{application_util, invoke, 3},
{api_web, loop, 2},
{mochiweb_http, headers, 4},
} {proc_lib, init_p_do_apply, 3}]

Mystery, DX help

CodePudding user response:

No one, that himself

CodePudding user response:

I also have this problem, consult

CodePudding user response:

You use urllib2 try to establish a keep alive - connection, pig,

CodePudding user response:

Sent you a wrong above, I also encountered the same problem solving

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord solved

CodePudding user response:

You intercept data (translated) :
R={" status ", "online", "ptwebqq" : "d07acb059ca06e6f3bb70d8f889a6bcf9bee0c379e9afcf039566e78357108e4", "passwd_sig" : ""," clientid ":" 13439812 ", "psessionid" : null} & amp; Clientid=13439812 & amp; Psessionid=null

You send data (translated) :
PostDate="r={" status" : "online", "ptwebqq" : "" & amp; MyC. Ptwebqq & amp; ""," passwd_sig ":" ", "clientid" : "9927991", "psessionid" : null} & amp; Clientid=9927991 & amp; Psessionid=null "

Less is obviously a string of characters,
Don't change the clientid try more,

CodePudding user response:

I also encountered the same problem, ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ do you have any solve!

CodePudding user response:

Is this problem solved???????

CodePudding user response:

This can be done with oh
The content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded

CodePudding user response:

Because you're transcoding=has changed, again=Replace back can Replace (" % 3 d ", "=")

CodePudding user response:

refer to the eighth floor oMingZi12345678 response:
is the problem solved???????
Replace (" % 3 d ", "=")

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