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Intercept Http requests to add JWT token and handle token refresh on 401 error, infinite loop of req


I have written the below interceptor which is working mostly as expected, apart from once my refresh token has expired, it gets stuck in a loop or re-requesting an updated access token with the expired refresh token and I can't figure out why?

My interceptor to Http requests looks like this

export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
    constructor(private inject: Injector){}   
    intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        let userService = this.inject.get(UserService)
        let authReq = request;
        authReq = this.AddTokenHeader(request, userService.getToken())
        return next.handle(authReq).pipe(
            catchError(errordata => {
                if(errordata.status === 401){
                    //401 status error, the access token needs refreshing.
                    return this.handleRefreshToken(request, next)
            return throwError(() => errordata)

    AddTokenHeader(request: HttpRequest<any>, token: any){
        return request.clone({headers: request.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' token)})

    handleRefreshToken(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler){
        let userService = this.inject.get(UserService)
        return userService.GenerateRefreshToken().pipe(
            switchMap((data:any) => {
                return next.handle(this.AddTokenHeader(request, localStorage.getItem('accessToken')))
            catchError(errordata => {
                return throwError(() => errordata)

And the UserService contains this among other functions, but I think this is the only one really relevant.

public GenerateRefreshToken(){
        return this.http.post(this.djangoPath '/api/token/refresh/', JSON.stringify({"refresh": localStorage.getItem('refreshToken')}), this.httpOptions) 

I thought the catchError in the handleRefreshToken function would deal with the refresh token being expired and then result to logging out the user to force religion to generate a new refresh token, but clearly I am wrong. I am just getting repeated 401 responses from the refresh call as the token is expired. It works fine while the refresh token is valid.

Can anyone shed any light on what I am doing wrong? The backend is Django/DRF/SimpleJWT.

Finally, Merry Christmas to anybody who chooses to celebrate it.

CodePudding user response:

(You didn't mention what updateAccessToken method does, but I believe it's saving the token to the localStorage)

I believe the problem is that - userService.GenerateRefreshToken() method is also intercepted by this interceptor, so any time you get to catchError you call this function which goes into this interceptor again and calls this function - and here is the loop...

what you can do is exclude this route from being intercepted - wrap your code with this condition:

if(req.url.includes('/api/token/refresh/')) {
   // only for this route skip interceptor logic
   return next();

good luck :)

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