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Python PML neural network used to approximate function always results in the training set mean value


I'm studying neural networks and i'm trying to develop a simple perceptron multilayer neural network to aproximate a function using python.

The problem is that the neural network returns the mean value of the training set for every input. I've been looking the code for days trying to find out what is wrong but i can't see it.

Could some one shed a light on this?

Thank you in advance!

This is my code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class pmc_3_layers:
    def __init__(self, n1, n2, n3):
        # Number of elements in each layer
        self.n1 = n1
        self.n2 = n2
        self.n3 = n3
        # Inicializing weights with randon values (LeCun)
        self.w = []
        self.w.append(np.random.default_rng().uniform(-(2.4/n1), (2.4/n1),(n2, n1 1)))
        self.w.append(np.random.default_rng().uniform(-(2.4/n1), (2.4/n1),(n3, n2 1)))
    def forward(self, variables_updated):
        # Sigmoid function
        gfunc = np.vectorize(lambda a : 1/(1 np.exp(-a)))
        # First layer
        i1 = self.w[0]@variables_updated
        y1 = gfunc(i1)
        y1 = np.insert(y1, 0, -1, axis = 0)
        # Second layer
        i2 = self.w[1]@y1
        y2 = gfunc(i2)
        return i1, y1, i2, y2
    def backward(self, variable, classe, i1, y1, i2, y2):
        # Sigmoid function derivate
        glinhafunc = np.vectorize(lambda a : np.exp(-a)/((1 np.exp(-a))**2))
        # Second layer
        glinha2 = glinhafunc(i2)
        grad2 = (classe - y2)*glinha2
        if y1.ndim <= 1:
            self.w[1] = self.w[1]   self.taxa_aprendizado*[email protected](1, -1)
            self.w[1] = self.w[1]   self.taxa_aprendizado*[email protected]
        # First layer
        glinha1 = glinhafunc(i1)
        if glinha1.ndim<=1:
            grad1 = -glinha1.reshape(-1,1)@grad2*self.w[1][:, 1:]
            grad1 = -glinha1.T@grad2*self.w[1][:, 1:]
        if grad1.ndim<=1:
            self.w[0] = self.w[0]   self.taxa_aprendizado*grad1.reshape(-1,1)@variable.reshape(1, -1)
            self.w[0] = self.w[0]   self.taxa_aprendizado*[email protected](1, -1)
    def eqm(self):
        eqm = 0
        for i in range(len(self.variables_updated)):
            i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(self.variables_updated[i])
            for j in range(self.n3):
                eqm = eqm - (((self.output[j] - y2[j])**2)/2)
        eqm = eqm/len(self.variables_updated)
        return eqm
    def train(self, variables, output, taxa_aprendizado, precision):
        self.output = output
        self.variables = variables
        self.variables_updated = np.insert(self.variables, 0, np.full((1, len(self.variables)), -1), axis = 1)
        self.taxa_aprendizado = taxa_aprendizado
        self.precision = precision
        self.epoch = 1
        print('The inicial weight matrices are:')
        while True:
            print('Starting a new epohc number %i' %(self.epoch))
            previous_eqm = self.eqm()
            for i in range(len(self.variables_updated)):
                i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(self.variables_updated[i])
                self.backward(self.variables_updated[i], output[i], i1, y1, i2, y2)
            current_eqm = self.eqm()
            self.current_eqm = current_eqm
            if (abs(current_eqm - previous_eqm) <= precision):
                print("Training finished in %s epochs" % (self.epoch))
                print("The final eqm was %f" % (self.current_eqm))
                print('The final weight matrices are:')
            self.epoch = self.epoch   1

    def predict(self, variables):
        variables_updated = np.insert(variables, 0, np.full((1, len(variables)), -1), axis = 1)
        resultados = np.zeros((len(variables_updated), self.n3))
        for i in range(len(variables_updated)):
            i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(variables_updated[i])
            for j in range(len(y2)):
                resultados[i][j] = y2[j]
        return resultados

CodePudding user response:

Made some changes and the code now works:

class pmc_3_layers:
    def __init__(self, n1, n2, n3):
        # Number of elements in each layer
        self.n1 = n1
        self.n2 = n2
        self.n3 = n3
        # Inicializing weights with randon values (LeCun)
        self.w = []
        self.w.append(np.random.default_rng().uniform(-(2.4/n1), (2.4/n1),(n2, n1 1)))
        self.w.append(np.random.default_rng().uniform(-(2.4/n1), (2.4/n1),(n3, n2 1)))
    def forward(self, variables_updated):
        # Sigmoid function
        gfunc = np.vectorize(lambda a : 1/(1 np.exp(-a)))
        # First layer
        i1 = np.atleast_2d(self.w[0]@variables_updated)
        y1 = np.atleast_2d(gfunc(i1))
        y1 = np.insert(y1, 0, -1, axis = 1)
        # Second layer

        i2 = np.atleast_2d(self.w[1]@y1.T)      

        y2 = np.atleast_2d(gfunc(i2))
        return i1, y1, i2, y2
    def backward(self, variable, classe, i1, y1, i2, y2):
        variable = np.atleast_2d(variable)
        classe = np.atleast_2d(classe)
        # Sigmoid function derivate
        glinhafunc = np.vectorize(lambda a : np.exp(-a)/((1 np.exp(-a))**2))
        # Second layer
        glinha2 = np.atleast_2d(glinhafunc(i2))

        grad2 = np.atleast_2d((classe.T - y2)*glinha2)
        self.w[1] = np.atleast_2d(self.w[1]   self.taxa_aprendizado*grad2@y1)
        # First layer
        glinha1 = np.atleast_2d(glinhafunc(i1))
        grad1 = np.atleast_2d(([email protected][1][:, 1:])*glinha1)
        self.w[0] = np.atleast_2d(self.w[0]   self.taxa_aprendizado*grad1.T@variable)
    def eqm(self):
        eqm = 0
        for i in range(len(self.variables_updated)):
            i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(self.variables_updated[i])
            eqm = eqm - (((self.output[i] - y2)**2)/2).sum()
        eqm = eqm/len(self.variables_updated)
        return eqm
    def train(self, variables, output, taxa_aprendizado, precision):
        self.output = output
        self.variables = variables
        self.variables_updated = np.insert(self.variables, 0, np.full((1, len(self.variables)), -1), axis = 1)
        self.taxa_aprendizado = taxa_aprendizado
        self.precision = precision
        self.epoch = 1
        print('The inicial weight matrices are:')
        while True:
            if (self.epoch==1)|((self.epoch0)==0):
                print('Starting a new epoch number %i' %(self.epoch))
            previous_eqm = self.eqm()
            for i in range(len(self.variables_updated)):
                i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(self.variables_updated[i])
                self.backward(self.variables_updated[i], output[i], i1, y1, i2, y2)
            current_eqm = self.eqm()
            self.current_eqm = current_eqm
            if (self.epoch==1)|((self.epoch0)==0):
                print('EQM difference:')
                print(current_eqm - previous_eqm)
            if (abs(current_eqm - previous_eqm) <= precision):
                print("Training finished in %s epochs" % (self.epoch))
                print("The final eqm was %f" % (self.current_eqm))
                print('The final weight matrices are:')
            self.epoch = self.epoch   1

    def predict(self, variables):
        variables_updated = np.insert(variables, 0, np.full((1, len(variables)), -1), axis = 1)
        resultados = np.zeros((len(variables_updated), self.n3))
        for i in range(len(variables_updated)):
            i1, y1, i2, y2 = self.forward(variables_updated[i])
            for j in range(len(y2)):
                resultados[i][j] = y2[j]
        return resultados
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