I have a powershell hashtable which is generated from looking at services and their status,
the code to get generate the values is as follows:
$table = @{}
foreach ($service in $services)
$obj = Get-Service -name $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($obj -ne $null){
$table[$service] = $obj.status
'attempt 1 at outputting the table, shows the inline response
$table | out-string | write-host
'attempt 2 at outputting the table, gives no output
'attempt 3 at outputting the table, shows no output
write-output $table
I am trying to write the values to the screen as follows (just by calling the hastable or using write-output, the results are identical,
This works fine in a test example but not within my script:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $table
Name Value
---- -----
Service1 Running
Service2 Running
Within my script I get this:
Name Value
---- -----
{Service1, Service2 ... {Stopped, Stopped, Stopped}
I have attempted to force the output using format-table, and various combinations of write-output / write-host
Can someone please give me a pointer?
CodePudding user response:
why you decided for a hashtable? don't see any reason in this code.
#define some names
#simple query - pure PS objects, no strange checks or so ever
$services|get-service -ErrorAction Ignore|select name,status|export-csv -nti servicesStatus.csv
BTW formatting functions are formatting to the given output - you were using screen formatting and trying to push it to the file. that is wrong. use export functions. you can of course try simple out-file but in general objects are complex creatures with some hierarchy. screen is only for your eyes - stop thinking in what you see but what is really is.
CodePudding user response:
Another possibility, assuming you don't need the Hash-Table for further processing, which gives you more control over the output format:
$MyServices =
Get-Service -Name @("HomeGroup*","USBDLM*","Macrium*",
$fmtServices = @{Expression={$_.Name};Label="Service Name";
$MyServices | Format-Table $fmtServices | Tee Test.txt
Service Name Status
------------ ------
DiagTrack Running
MacriumService Running
MsKeyboardFilter Stopped
RemoteAccess Stopped
RemoteRegistry Stopped
USBDLM Running
VSS Stopped
Wsearch Running