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Number pipe number : '1.2-2' is not working while using by a ternary inside *ngFor directi


I was working on a project using Angular 12. At some stage I needed to render an array of objects which I've got form the API. In each objects I have some fields of number like CostPrice, TradePrice, MRP, SellingPrice. My target is to render those and view those inside the input tag. I have a variable named forViewDetails, based on which I was trying to make the field read-only. inside the value attribute I have bended the fields using attribute binding. There I was rendering the prices based on the forViewDetails option. If it is true then the values will appear with two decimal points. That's why I have used number pipe inside a bracket. Else it will appear without points. But the thing is its working for CostPrice and TradePrice. But for MRP and TradePrice its not working. If I remove the pipe from them, then it works. But after adding pipe the fields become empty. I thought may b I am not getting number in those fields. But I checked those, those were numbers.

I am attaching the code samples below. Any solution or suggestion is highly appreciated.

The output I am getting using pipe:

enter image description here

The output after removing pipe from MRP:

enter image description here

 <!-- trade price -->
                    <td style="width: 100px">
                        id="itemTp_{{ i }}"
                        [value]="forViewDetails ? (item.TradePrice | number : '1.2-2') : item.TradePrice"
                        (input)="tpChanged(i, item, $event)"
                        (keyup.enter)="nextInput('tp', $event)"
                        [ngClass]="{ 'is-invalid': submitted && item.TradePrice == 0 }" />

                    <!-- mrp -->   
                    <td style="width: 100px">
                        id="itemMrp_{{ i }}"
                        [value]="forViewDetails ? (item.MRP | number : '1.2-2') : item.MRP"
                        (input)="mrpChanged(i, item, $event)"
                        (keyup.enter)="nextInput('mrp', $event)"
                        [ngClass]="{ 'is-invalid': submitted && item.MRP == 0 }" />
                    //object i am getting
                        Barcode: "B-090807"
                        BrandId: "BRD00002"
                        CategoryId: "SUBCAT0100"
                        CompanyId: "COM00002"
                        CostPrice: 900
                        Discount: 0
                        ExpDate: "2050-05-14"
                        Id: 8
                        MRP: 1200
                        MinShelfLife: 9999
                        PVAT: 0
                        ProductGrossWeight: 0
                        ProductId: "PRD1671704018388"
                        ProductMargin: 0
                        ProductName: "Hilsha Fish"
                        ProductNetWeight: 0
                        ProductQty: 50
                        ProductUnit: "kg"
                        SellingPrice: 1200
                        StockReceivedId: "SR-1672203680930"
                        SupplierId: "SUP00002"
                        TAX: 0
                        TradePrice: 900
                        VAT: 0

My target is to achieve all values in decimal form with two fraction point after it as i am getting in in CostPrice and TradePrice.

CodePudding user response:

The reason why it is not showing is due to the MRP value exceeding a thousand, with the Number pipe will display as "1,000.00" and the <input type="number" /> doesn't allow for the comma character.

In order to solve it, you should do either of the:

  1. Not apply the number pipe to format the value in <input type="number" />
  2. Implement a custom pipe to remove the comma character.
  [value]="forViewDetails ? (item.MRP | number: '1.2-2' | noComma) : item.MRP"
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'noComma' })
export class NoCommaPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: any, ...args: any[]) {
    return value.toString().replace(/,/g, '');

Demo @ StackBlitz

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