could you please suggest a way to assign the title to the consort diagram generated using DiagrammeR package. Also i tried to color the boxes of all the nodes using fillcolor=blue in the node, but that does not seem to work,
data('adsl', package='tidyCDISC')
# randomized population
pop1 <- adsl %>% rename_all(tolower) %>% filter(saffl=='Y') %>% count() %>%
mutate(col1=paste0('Safety Population\n(N=',n,')'))
popt <- adsl %>% rename_all(tolower) %>% filter(saffl=='Y') %>% group_by(trt01a) %>% count() %>%
digraph box {
graph [layout=dot, overlap = true, fontsize = 10]
node [shape=box, fontname = Helvetica, color = blue, fillcolor = red]
total_population [label = '@@1'];
placebo [label = '@@2'];
xanomeline_low_dose [label = '@@3'];
xanomeline_high_dose [label = '@@4'];
total_population -> placebo total_population -> xanomeline_low_dose total_population -> xanomeline_high_dose
[1]: pop1$col1
[2]: popt$col1[1]
[3]: popt$col1[3]
[4]: popt$col1[2]
CodePudding user response:
For the title see How do you center a title for a diagram output to SVG using dot?
or search the graphviz docs at To get different fontsizes for the title and node labels, set different fontsize
values in the graph
and node
To fill
you need to set style=filled
in the node
declaration (or the individual node
instantiations); again see the docs
Your example (without the extra packages) and code additions indicated by comments:
var = 1:4
digraph box {
graph [label = 'Main title', # title
labelloc='t'; # title location at 't'op
overlap = true,
fontsize = 20] # title fontsize
node [shape=box,
fontname = Helvetica,
color = blue,
style = filled, # set node style to filled
fillcolor = red,
fontsize = 10] # node label fontsize
total_population [label = '@@1'];
placebo [label = '@@2'];
xanomeline_low_dose [label = '@@3'];
xanomeline_high_dose [label = '@@4'];
total_population -> placebo total_population ->
xanomeline_low_dose total_population -> xanomeline_high_dose
[1]: var[1]
[2]: var[2]
[3]: var[3]
[4]: var[4]