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Mobile Transform Origin Property not consistent with Web


I have an application I am developing that allows users to drop "Pins" on an SVG. These pins can be moved around the underlying SVG and the coordinates are saved in a database. The pins also have a "center of mass" of bottom center, I store the coordinates of the tip of the pin, not the 0,0 origin of the pin icon.

I am trying to implement a functionality, that will allow the pins to show larger when zoomed out of the underlying SVG, and scale smaller when zooming in (think google maps, if you look at a zoomed out map of all restaurants and then zoom in, the pins get smaller and more spread out).

I have this feature working on desktop web, see images below
enter image description here

enter image description here

However, on mobile, the same code causes the pins to exist in a different location, and when zooming I can see them scaling down to the top left point, and not the center bottom like the desktop client.

enter image description here

enter image description here

JS Code that is creating the scaling styles and logic:

if (instance) {
    instance = panzoom($('#partialDiv')[0]);
    var pins = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.draggable'));
    instance.on('transform', function(pz) {

        var transform = instance.getTransform();
        pins.forEach(pin => {
            if (transform.scale > 10 && transform.scale < 18) {
                pin.setAttribute("transform", 'matrix('  
                    15 / transform.scale   ', 0, 0, '  
                    15 / transform.scale   ', '  
                    pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e   ', '   pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.f   ')');
                var pinStyle = pin.style;
                pin.setAttribute("transform-origin", ""   pin.getBBox().width / 2   " "   pin.getBBox().height   "0px");
                pinStyle.transformBox = 'fill-box';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-x'] = '50%';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-y'] = 'bottom';
                pinStyle.transformBox = 'fill-box';
            } else if (transform.scale > 18) {
                pin.setAttribute("transform", 'matrix(0.8, 0, 0, 0.8, '  
                    pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e   ', '   pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.f   ')');
                var pinStyle = pin.style;
                pin.setAttribute("transform-origin", ""   pin.getBBox().width / 2   " "   pin.getBBox().height   "0px");
                pinStyle.transformBox = 'fill-box';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-x'] = '50%';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-y'] = 'bottom';
            } else {
                pin.setAttribute("transform", 'matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, '  
                    pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.e   ', '   pin.transform.baseVal[0].matrix.f   ')');
                var pinStyle = pin.style;
                pin.setAttribute("transform-origin", ""   pin.getBBox().width / 2   " "   pin.getBBox().height   "0px");
                pinStyle.transformBox = 'fill-box';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-x'] = '50%';
                pin.style['-webkit-transform-origin-y'] = 'bottom';


Why would the pins be displayed at a different origin on Chrome Desktop vs. Chrome IOS? Same is true for other desktop browsers and Safari on mobile. I have tried variations of webkit styles but it does not seem to change this behavior. Any advice is much appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

After hours of troubleshooting I learned that there is a bug on IOS webkit 16.2 that does not allow transform-origin to work with a transform attribute. Only the transform being performed in CSS will work with a transform-origin style.

Useful resource for anyone having an issue similar to me: https://caniuse.com/mdn-svg_attributes_presentation_transform-origin

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