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How to get the MAX value of previous group in PANDAS?


Im trying to get the MAX of previous group category. I used DEFINE function and APPLY. But it seems performance of this code is slow. Are there other ways to do it where it will be faster?

Below is my code:

def Price_MAX_prev_TREND(row):
    prev_trend_count = row['trend_count'] - 1
    x = df_filtered.loc[ df_filtered['trend_count'] == prev_trend_count , 'Price' ].max()
    return x
df_filtered['Price_MAX_prev_TREND'] = df_filtered.apply(Price_MAX_prev_TREND, axis = 1)

CodePudding user response:

Compute the max per group with groupby.max, then map the max from the group using shifted values with shift.

Here is a simple example:

df = pd.DataFrame({'group': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
                   'value': [1, 4, 2, 3, 2, 0, 5, 3, 3]

# only use sort=False if you want to keep the original order
s = df.groupby('group', sort=False)['value'].max()

df['max_previous'] = df['group'].map(s.shift())


   group  value  max_previous
0      0      1           NaN
1      0      4           NaN
2      0      2           NaN
3      1      3           4.0
4      1      2           4.0
5      1      0           4.0
6      2      5           3.0
7      2      3           3.0
8      2      3           3.0

If you have discontinuous integer/year/etc. groups and want to ensure that you map the previous (i.e. n-1) group, rather change the index with set_axis:

df['max_previous'] = df['group'].map(s.set_axis(s.index 1))

Example to see the difference:

    group  value  max_previous_shift  max_previous_discontinuous
0       0      1                 NaN                         NaN
1       0      4                 NaN                         NaN
2       0      2                 NaN                         NaN
3       1      3                 4.0                         4.0
4       1      2                 4.0                         4.0
5       1      0                 4.0                         4.0
6       2      5                 3.0                         3.0
7       2      3                 3.0                         3.0
8       2      3                 3.0                         3.0
9       4      7                 5.0                         NaN
10      4      3                 5.0                         NaN
11      4      1                 5.0                         NaN

CodePudding user response:

First aggregate max values by GroupBy.max and then create new column by mapping with Series.map by previous trend - add 1 to indices (from trend_count column), sort=False is used for improve performance:

s = df.groupby('trend_count', sort=False)['Price'].max()
df['Price_MAX_prev_TREND'] = df['trend_count'].map(s.rename(lambda x: x 1))

Another idea is add 1 to trend_count before aggregate max:

s = df.assign(trend_count = df['trend_count'].add(1)).groupby('trend_count', sort=False)['Price'].max()
df['Price_MAX_prev_TREND'] = df['trend_count'].map(s)

Performance depends of data, best test in real data:

N = 10000
df = pd.DataFrame({'trend_count':np.random.randint(1000, size=N),
                   'Price': np.random.randint(1000, size=N)})

#original solution
In [192]: %%timeit
     ...: df['Price_MAX_prev_TREND1'] = df.apply(Price_MAX_prev_TREND, axis = 1)
4.02 s ± 197 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [193]: %%timeit
     ...: s = df.groupby('trend_count', sort=False)['Price'].max()
     ...: df['Price_MAX_prev_TREND'] = df['trend_count'].map(s.rename(lambda x: x 1))
2.38 ms ± 22.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

In [194]: %%timeit
     ...: s = df.assign(trend_count = df['trend_count'].add(1)).groupby('trend_count', sort=False)['Price'].max()
     ...: df['Price_MAX_prev_TREND'] = df['trend_count'].map(s)
2.26 ms ± 16.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

#mozway solution
In [195]: %%timeit
     ...: s = df.groupby('trend_count', sort=False)['Price'].max()
     ...: df['max_previous'] = df['trend_count'].map(s.set_axis(s.index 1))
3.01 ms ± 340 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
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