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VB access parsdoxi7.0 databases to add delete data


I use ado to connect to the database successfully
Adodc1. The ConnectionString="Provider=MSDASQL. 1; Persist Security Info=False; Data Source=Paradox7; Initial Catalog=D: \ my program, (3)
"Adodc1. RecordSource="select * from 200712 DB"
Adodc1. Refresh
The Set MSHFlexGrid1. The DataSource=Adodc1
If I want to database data operation,

Public adoCon As New ADODB. Connection
Public adors As New ADODB. You
The Set adoCon=New ADODB. Connection
AdoCon. Open "the Provider=MSDASQL. 1; Persist Security Info=False; Data Source=Paradox7; Initial Catalog=D: \ my program, (3)
"AdoCon. Execute (" insert into 200712 DB values (' "& amp; Trim (Text5) & amp; "', '" & amp; DTPicker1. Value & amp; "')")
Is wrong, could you tell me how to change? Should

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