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How to compare only the column names of 2 data frames using pyspark?


I have 2 Data Frames with matched and unmatched column names, I want to compare the column names of the both the frames and print a table/dataframe with unmatched column names. Please someone help me on this

I have no idea how can i achieve this

Below is the expectation


Update: As per comments the requirement is column names from One data frame only (which are not in the second dataframe)

df3 = spark.createDataFrame([Row(x) for x in list(set(df1.schema.names) - set(df2.schema.names))]).toDF("Uncommon Columns From DF1");

Input/Output Sample

CodePudding user response:

You can easily do this by using sets operations

Data Preparation

s1 = StringIO("""

df1 = pd.read_csv(s1,delimiter=',')

sparkDF1 = sql.createDataFrame(df1)

s2 = StringIO("""

df2 = pd.read_csv(s2,delimiter=',')

sparkDF2 = sql.createDataFrame(df2)


 --------- -------- --- ------ ------- 
|firstName|lastName|age|  city|country|
 --------- -------- --- ------ ------- 
|     Alex|   Smith| 19|    SF|    USA|
|     Rick|    Mart| 18|London|     UK|
 --------- -------- --- ------ ------- 


 --------- -------- --- 
 --------- -------- --- 
|     Alex|   Smith| 21|
 --------- -------- --- 

Columns - Intersections & Difference

common = set(sparkDF1.columns) & set(sparkDF2.columns)
diff = set(sparkDF1.columns) - set(sparkDF2.columns)

print("Common - ",common)

## Common -  {'lastName', 'age', 'firstName'}

print("Difference - ",diff)

## Difference -  {'city', 'country'}

Additionally you can create tables/dataframes using the above variable values

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