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How can I move to the next index?


I want to move from guesser[0] to guesser[1] if the solution matches the first letter from guesser and so on but I just can't figure it out

import string
list = []
guesser = "bomba"

while True:
    for characters in string.printable:   
        solution = ''.join(list)   characters
        if solution == guesser[0]:

I've tried

import string
list = []
guesser = "bomba"
index = 0
while True:
    for characters in string.printable:   
        solution = ''.join(list)   characters
        if solution == guesser[index]:
            index  = 1

CodePudding user response:

The problem you're having is that with the code as written, you will never be able to match on any character of guesser after the guesser[0] because solution will be more than one character. After it matches the first 'b', and index = 1, then it's going to be checking if guesser[1] (i.e. 'o') is == "bo", so it will never be true.

Try this:

import string
answer = []
guesser = "bomba"
while len(answer) != len(guesser):  # We need this to end someday.
   index = len(answer)
   for character in string.printable:   
        if character == guesser[index]:
            break    # Exit the for loop
   else:  # If the for loop completes without finding a match
       print(f"The character at guesser[{index}] is not in string.printable")
       break  # Exit the while loop

print(f"Answer found : {''.join(answer)}")
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