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OpenCV compatibility problems


I recently using MFC to do a use OpenCV x64 image processing procedures, in the process of using all normal,
XLSX file to import, then the business need to join a XLNT library, in the process of using no problem, but in the end of the program will produce an illegal,
And I used alone XLNT library at exit is not illegal, is this the OpenCV and two XLNT compatibility has a problem?
The last of the abnormal call stack display in STD
Process2. Exe! STD: : pair Class, STD: : allocator Const, class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator> : : ~ pair Class, STD: : allocator Const, class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator () c + +
Process2. Exe! STD: : list Class, STD: : allocator Const, class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator> Class, STD: : allocator Class, STD: : allocator Const, class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator>> C + + : : clear (void)
Process2. Exe! STD: : _Hash & lt; The class STD: : _Umap_traits & lt; The class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator , class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator , class STD: : _Uhash_compare & lt; The class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator , struct STD: : hash Class, STD: : allocator> , struct STD: : equal_to & lt; The class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator> Class, STD: : allocator Class, STD: : allocator Const, class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator> , 0 & gt;> : : ~ _Hash & lt; The class STD: : _Umap_traits & lt; The class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator , class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator , class STD: : _Uhash_compare & lt; C + + class STD: : bas ()
Process2. Exe! XLNT: : detail: : workbook_impl: : ~ workbook_impl (void)
c + +Process2. Exe! STD: : unique_ptr & lt; Struct XLNT: : detail: : workbook_impl, struct STD: : default_delete & lt; Struct XLNT: : detail: : workbook_impl & gt;> : : ~ unique_ptr & lt; Struct XLNT: : detail: : workbook_impl, struct STD: : default_delete & lt; Struct XLNT: : detail: : workbook_impl & gt;> (void)
c + +Process2. Exe! _execute_onexit_table: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda> () 206 c + +
Process2. Exe! __crt_seh_guarded_call & lt; Int> : : operator () & lt; (void) & amp; __ptr64, & lt; Lambda_3883c3dff614d5e0c5f61bb1ac94921c & gt;> (__acrt_lock_and_call: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda_7777bce6b2f8c936911f934f8298dc43 & gt; & & The setup, _execute_onexit_table: : __l2: : int & lt; Lambda> (void) & amp; The action, __acrt_lock_and_call: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda_3883c3dff614d5e0c5f61bb1ac94921c & gt; & & The cleanup) line 204 c + +
[the inline frame] Process2. Exe! __acrt_lock_and_call (const __acrt_lock_id) line 957 c + +
Process2. Exe! _execute_onexit_table (_onexit_table_t * table) line 231 c + +
Process2. Exe! Common_exit: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda> () 232 c + +
Process2. Exe! __crt_seh_guarded_call & lt; Void> : : operator () & lt; (void) & amp; __ptr64, & lt; Lambda_2358e3775559c9db80273638284d5e45 & gt;> (__acrt_lock_and_call: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda_d80eeec6fff315bfe5c115232f3240e3 & gt; & & The setup, common_exit: : __l2: : void & lt; Lambda> (void) & amp; The action, __acrt_lock_and_call: : __l2: : & lt; Lambda_2358e3775559c9db80273638284d5e45 & gt; & & The cleanup) line 224 c + +
[the inline frame] Process2. Exe! __acrt_lock_and_call (const __acrt_lock_id) line 957 c + +
Process2. Exe! Common_exit (const int return_code, const _crt_exit_cleanup_mode cleanup_mode, const _crt_exit_return_mode return_mode) line 278 c + +
Code [external]
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