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how do I get the type of a methods arguments in typescript?


I want to get the type of arguments of a method like I get it from a function. This does not work:

function func(a: number, b: string): string {
  return b;

type ftype = Parameters<typeof func>;

class Klasse {
  method(a: number, b: string): string {
    return b;

// this does not work
type mtype = Parameters<typeof klasse.method>;

And no, I don't want to transform method to a static method, it's just a simplified example.


The solution works, but not for overloads:

class Klasse {
  method(a: string, b: number): void;
  method(a: number, b: string): void;
  method(a: number | string, b: number | string): string {
    return 'x';

// this does not work
// type mtype = Parameters<typeof klasse.method>;
type mtype = Parameters<Klasse["method"]>;

const a: mtype = [0, ''];
const b: mtype = ['', 9]; // error

CodePudding user response:

The type Klasse is the type of an instance of Klasse.

type mtype = Parameters<Klasse["method"]>;

CodePudding user response:

As you observed, you can use the type utility Parameters<Type> to derive a tuple of a function's parameters.

Because a function is a value in your program (not a type), deriving the type of the function requires using the typeof operator, as shown below:

TS Playground

function func(a: number, b: string): string {
  return b;

type F1 = Parameters<func>; /* Error
'func' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof func'?(2749) */

type F2 = Parameters<typeof func>; // ok
   //^? type F2 = [a: number, b: string]

In JavaScript, classes are just special functions that we can write using language syntax sugar. Deriving the type of a class works the same way as with other functions: typeof Klasse.

In order to refer to the type of an instance of the class, you can simply use the name of the class: TypeScript automatically creates a type name in scope that represents this when the class is in scope of your code: Klasse.

TypeScript also provides another utility type for doing this: InstanceType<Type>

Here's some code to demonstrate and juxtapose what I described above:

TS Playground

class Klasse {
  method(a: number, b: string): string {
    return b;

type KlasseKeys = keyof typeof Klasse;
   //^? type KlasseKeys = "prototype"

type KlasseInstanceKeys = keyof Klasse;
   //^? type KlasseInstanceKeys = "method"

type KlasseInstanceKeys2 = keyof InstanceType<typeof Klasse>;
   //^? type KlasseInstanceKeys2 = "method"

type MethodParams = Parameters<Klasse['method']>;
   //^? type MethodParams = [a: number, b: string]

type MethodParams2 = Parameters<InstanceType<typeof Klasse>['method']>;
   //^? type MethodParams2 = [a: number, b: string]

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