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QML: How to set coordinates inside Repeater


I have an issue with setting coordinates inside Repeater:

import QtQuick

Window {
   id: mainWindow
   property int wi: 640
   property int he: 500
   width: wi
   height: he
   visible: true
   title: qsTr("Game")

Rectangle {
    id: gameWindow
    width: wi/1.6
    height: he
    anchors.right: parent.right
    visible: true
    color: "black"
    clip: true

    Grid {
        id: gameGrid
        columns: 25
        spacing: 0
        rows: 32
        anchors.fill: parent

        Repeater {
            model: 600

            Rectangle {
                width: wi/40
                height: 20
                border.width: 2
                color: "grey"

    Grid {
        id: sGrid
        columns: gameGrid.columns
        spacing: gameGrid.spacing
        rows: gameGrid.rows
        anchors.fill: gameGrid

        Repeater {
            model: 5
            Rectangle {

            //                 anchors.horizontalCenter: sGrid.horizontalCenter
            //                 anchors.verticalCenter: sGrid.verticalCenter
            //                 x: (wi/2)   (index * (wi/40) )
            //                 y: he/2
               width: wi/40
               height: 20
               border.width: 1
               color: "red"

Whole code above, but my question is about the second Repeater with 5 Rectangles. I have tried to solve that with many ways. Most obvious seemed to me placing coordinates inside Repeater, but now I know it does not work like this - I have to place coordinates somehow inside Rectangle. I have commented code, where are the ways I have tried to solve this.

Anchors work very well - it places the first element exactly where I am expecting. Problem appears with the next elements. They are placing inside the same element of Grid. I do not understand why the coordinates does not working. Documentation shows I could use "index", don't know, maybe the point is that's "read only" property? I have tried to set Rectangle with prefix "delegate:" with the same result as well.

CodePudding user response:

In your question, you mention you have Grid Repeater Rectangle. I am not sure what you want to achieve, but, it feels like you may have better luck by going GridView Rectangle because GridView supports a model.

Since you want coordinate control of your Rectangles, it is possible to do this alone with Repeater Rectangle. No need for Grid since the Grid will impact the coordinate system of your Rectangle.

Below illustrates how you can use a simple ListModel to control the placement of your Rectangles:

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
Page {
    Repeater {
        model: ListModel {
            ListElement { p:100; q:100; w:50; h:50; c:"red"; o:0 }
            ListElement { p:200; q:100; w:50; h:50; c:"green"; o:15 }
            ListElement { p:300; q:200; w:50; h:50; c:"blue"; o:30 }
            ListElement { p:300; q:300; w:50; h:50; c:"orange"; o:45 }
            ListElement { p:200; q:400; w:50; h:50; c:"purple"; o:60 }
        delegate: Rectangle {
            x: p
            y: q
            width: w
            height: h
            color: c
            rotation: o

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