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Getting classnames for elm from a javascript object


We have a team of developers who create standard css-classes with tailwind.css which is generally used for Vue/React components. However, we are trying to use elm for a new project and would like to use the same classes from a js-file, as they are being maintained.

How should one import from javascript-file:

export const card = {
  cardSelected: 'bg-blue-50',
  cardOutline: 'f-card-outline absolute rounded-8 inset-0 transition-all border-2',


export const toaster = {
  toasterContainer: 'fixed fixed-ios-fix bottom-16 left-0 right-0 mx-8',
  toaster: 'f-toaster grid f-grid auto-rows-auto',

Such that those styles gets set on an element. E.g with toaster:

div [class 'f-toaster grid f-grid auto-rows-auto'][]

CodePudding user response:

You should be able to accomplish this with flags.

On your js file you could have:

const app = Elm.Main.init({
    node: document.getElementById('main'),
    flags: {
        card: {
            cardSelected: 'bg-blue-50',
            cardOutline: 'f-card-outline absolute rounded-8 inset-0 transition-all border-2',

and your Main.elm would look something like this:

type alias CardValues =
    { cardSelected : String
    , cardOutline : String

type alias Card =
    { card : CardValues }

type alias Model =
    { flags : Card }

main : Program Card Model Msg
main =
        { init = \flags -> ( { flags = flags }, Cmd.none )
        , view =
            \model ->
                    [ Html.class model.flags.card.cardOutline ]
                    [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text "Here!" ] ]
        , update = \_ model -> ( model, Cmd.none )
        , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
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